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The 5 Major Indicators that Can Tell You If Are Aging Faster than Everyone Else

Do you think that you are aging faster than everyone else? Do you compare yourself to others in the same age category to see how you stack up? What is the quality of life that you live in comparison to your peers? Some indicators can provide insight into how well you are aging and if you are aging faster than everyone else. Paying close attention to these signs can shed light onto your way of life, your overall wellness, and things you can do to correct course.

No matter how old you are, there are always opportunities for you to improve your well-being. There are plenty of indicators that you can hone in on to gauge how you are aging.


Stress is something that impacts every single one of us at least at one point or the other in our lives. According to research, 70 percent of all illnesses in the United States of America is related to stress in some capacity. Some of us are going to go through various levels of stress and not be impacted, while others will suffer a great deal from minimal stress. If you are always feeling stressed, and anxious it could be aging you faster than your peers. Thankfully stress relief exercises and lifestyle changes can greatly impact your health in a positive way—as well as make life more enjoyable.


Within your body, you have a system that is known as the endocrine system. This is made up of a variety of different organs and tissues. When they work together, they create what is known as hormones. These are natural chemicals that flow into the bloodstream and help our body function properly. Hormone production can change over time, especially as we age. If you are seeing signs that hormones are becoming a bit more unbalanced (rapid weight gain, depression, unexpected bleeding, insomnia, headaches, foggy thinking, loss of muscle mass, increase in belly fat, lowered libido, fatigue) than they used to be or uncontrollable, it is a showcase that aging is occurring and doing so rapidly.


What is the strength of your heart? When was the last time that you went through a cardiac review? Do you know where your heart stands from a health perspective? Your doctor can help with this, especially if he or she is a cardiologist. Review the strength of your heart and get a good indicator of where it is health-wise in comparison to the rest of those in a similar age group to yours.


How well are you able to remember things that you learned about earlier in the day? As we age, our minds are going to start to slip. This is a natural process that takes place, but can also indeed harm our quality of life. You can counter this by working your brain, doing puzzles and such to stay sharp. Signs of aging though from a memory perspective could be something as simple as forgetting the day of the week or repeating yourself several times in a conversation. Your short-term memory is typically the first thing that is going to go.


How smooth is your skin? Have you noticed that more and more wrinkles are starting to develop? What is the state of your skin when you are comparing yourself to others of around the same age? The skin can be a great measuring stick for how well you are aging in comparison to those in the same category. Look at your skin, the wrinkles, the wear and tear it builds up over the years, as a way to determine how aging is going.

Focusing on the indicators above, you can use them as measuring sticks to determine how well you are aging when compared to peers of the same category. Do you feel as though you are in good shape or not so much after reading through this? Depending on your viewpoint, use it as a gut check to improve your wellness and start to live a healthier, higher quality of life across the board. You are in control of your health and focusing on the indicators can provide you with the wake-up call needed to take action, today!

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