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Tesla’s Elon Musk Says He Will NOT Take a Vaccine for Coronavirus

Elon Musk, the billionaire brainiac behind Tesla and SpaceX, says neither he nor his family will be receiving a vaccine for the novel coronavirus when it becomes available.

Musk made the comments during an interview on the Sway podcast, a program hosted by New York Times journalist Kara Swisher. During the conversation, Musk echoed sentiments expressed by many Americans who believe vaccines for COVID-19 are being produced too quickly — and perhaps needlessly. The billionaire businessman dismissed the idea that he and his family are at a high risk for contracting the Chinese-born virus.

“No, I’m not at risk for COVID. Nor are my kids,” the Tesla CEO said.

Musk has also been highly critical of government lockdowns in the United States. He famously opposed them earlier on in the pandemic when he moved to reopen his Tesla facilities in defiance against California Governor Gavin Newsom’s executive orders.

“Essentially, the right thing to do would be to not have done a lockdown for the whole country but to have, I think, anyone who’s at risk should be quarantined until the storm passes,” Musk added.

The billionaire businessman did not stop there. The lockdown orders, he says, have caused him to lose faith in humanity.

“I mean this is a hot button issue where rationality takes a back seat. In the grand scheme of things what we have something with a very low mortality rate and high contagion,” he said.

As anyone could have expected, the media is not reacting kindly to Elon Musk’s statements. In their coverage of the incident, Business Insider continually referred to the Tesla CEO’s statements as “false” and “misleading” — despite the fact that even the CDC has conceded that the mortality rate for the virus may be far lower than previously believed.

Elon Musk ins’t alone. The American people have made it clear that they are sick of the overreaction from local, state, and federal authorities. At some point, you have to allow people to make their own judgements.

With several states once again moving to reopen society, we’re going to leave you with free advice. If you don’t feel safe, stay home. That’s it — that’s all we can do at this point.

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31 thoughts on “Tesla’s Elon Musk Says He Will NOT Take a Vaccine for Coronavirus

  1. I don’t believe Globalist billionaires should be involved in our politics so deeply. Gates can keep his virus meddling and forced vaccines.
    Vote in person and keep your vaccines.

    • Revelation 13:16
      “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:”
      And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name

    • I have studied natural health since is turned12 years old.
      My 60+ years of study proves to me and my personal experience with the DRUG GERM THEORY By the USA Medical Society. to be deliberately blinded to the cause’s and only interested in Symptoms and Prescriptions, not people’s desire to GET their life back.

  2. I feel like the Corona Viruses in general have been an attempt over time to perfect a way to CONTROL. If there is no crisis then create one. Its been the elitists playbook for decades. Never let a good crisis go to waste.

  3. Just at my doctor yesterday and she said she wouldn’t take the vaccine either.

    I surely won’t be taking it!!

    The whole covid-19 is over inflated by the media and democrats.

    If you died of anything and test positive for covid-19 you died from if. That’s completely stupid and that’s what is being pushed by the medical industrial complex.

    I only know personally one person who actually had covid-19 and that’s one of the doctors at my doctor’s office.

    He is way over weight, in his 70’s and I am sure he has other under lining health issues.

    He ok!! And I suspect he will be back seeing people soon.

  4. Sweden got it right…
    Why can’t governments just admit this and move on…
    We should be following Sweden’s lead – the application of common sense and discipline which Dr Anders Tegnal proposed

    • Right! If you wear a mask, I don’t need, too! After all, if your mask works, I don’t need one and if you still think I do, then you have doubts about how well your mask works. If your mask isn’t good enough for me to not use one, why do you wear it? People get mad at this reasoning!

    • Common sense is not common in the the US today. It goes by another name, which is abandoned by liberals, progressives and elitists. It is called logic. Logic is devoid of emotion which is what all the panicked people are using to be controlled by the government.

  5. Thomas Williams wrote, “The Special Expose, Part 2: There is an except in that article that explains this virus.
    “THE COVID PLAN/Rockefeller Lockstep 2010”! This virus is a part of the UN goals to unite ALL countries under the UN’s New World Order plan. This plan even names Wuhan Labs (owned by George Soros, funded by O’Bama). The plan is in effect and using the WHO AND the MSM to promote this MAN MADE virus! This plan plainly states that it’s to fund the virus and fund the vaccine and roll the vaccine out GLOBALLY! Oh and using a “digital ID” to enforce the mandate to take the vaccine! Digital ID’s will be implanted in the body. With ‘cashless currency’ credit imbedded in your body, will get all your housing, food, water from that credit! If you do not comply with this, you will not be able to live in this “New World Order”! Find this and READ IT! Will I get this vaccine? Oh hell no! I will not comply with the leftist agenda to destroy our country. And that’s what all this ‘virus’ BS is really about…taking over our country and driving freedom from the face of the planet so the deep state can have total control of you, your children and your life! Conspiracy theory? SO WAS EPSTEIN’S ISLAND AND LOOK WHAT HAPPENED THERE!

    • What you have stated in your post is exactly what was prophesied in the Bible in the Book of Revelation. America is under attack as the NWO folks need to get us under the NWO umbrella. I believe that America is the “New Babylon” that talked about in Revelation. If Biden is elected our future will be short and bleak. The Demrat party will end up destroying America.

  6. Go PERSONALLY to vote and SHOVE your VACCINES! . . . The DRACONIAN lockdown did FAR more harm than good. Just use COMMON SENSE such as SOCIAL DISTANCING (masks do not work – it’s tike trying to use a CHAIN LINK fence to stop a SWARM of LOCUSTS. They’re totally USELESS).

  7. Says the guy who smokes pot and gets stoned in a interview and meeting on live cable/TV. I guess the risk of computers going haywire with self driving cars is less (that already happened a number of times) is more of a risk than the China W virus vaccine. Give me a break, If the FDA approves the Vaccine one would be a fool not to take it. Don’t listen to Dumbo-crates Period! (Also this Virus is close to the SARS vaccine that we already have – another Corona Virus much deadlier)
    Have a nice day!!

  8. Let’s face reality. Bill Gates wants to decrease our population.& the easiesr way to begin is start a pandemic. In this way you start by killing off the elderly. If you get by with that, then you move on, killing off others in the name of the pandemic, whether or not it was actually. Let’s just admit that one way, or another, Gates & everyone involved with pushing the so- called New World Order will continue to play with lives until they have snuffed out everyone that is, in their eyes, unworthy of life because we are not on their level of education & sophistication. We are as disposable as toilet paper. Beware of what is coming, but understand that you will not be able to stop it.

    • Faith in Christ, no you may not be able to stop it but at least you will be able to deal with it. You will have the satisfaction of knowing that in the end God will prevail and Jesus Christ will rule. It will happen and the leftists know it. Why do you think they hate Christians so much. They know that their time is short and that they really are on the B team.

    • Why do you think they created the virus to attack a weakened immune system, a weakened respiratory system? Gates knows that the seniors are the largest group of people in the country (mostly baby boomers that come from bigger families) instead of younger people who come from smaller families. The younger people are also easier to control with their propaganda. In the end, it is the easiest way (along with abortion being provided by government funds) to reduce the population of the world by 15%.

  9. Just as an aside to all the rest of the article, it is shocking to see Business Insider has been taken over by the leftist “truth police” who have turned everything into something political. Will B. I. be as vigilant on democrat death threats, violent statements, BLM rioting, BLM racist remarks and democrat lies? Hardly think so. Time to ignore Business Insider and for it to go out of business, since it’s already out of business reporting and into “social justice” woke-ness and political correctness and fact checking only conservatives.

  10. I’m 71 and have hypertension, sleep apnea, and asthma. I very rarely wear the mask and feel great! I eat healthy and try to keep active. Have not even had a cold
    since March 8, 2020. I agree that the covid May be somewhat worse than other coronaviruses but it didn’t kill as many as the leftest were hoping! Most of their agenda
    Was to SCARE US ALL…Sadly it did work on some, Now GO VOTE IN PERSON before The DemonRats and their Minions destroy OUR FREEDOM! They are already “Havesting” Ballots to Fraudulently win the election!

  11. I’m 79 in good health and the only time I contracted the flu, many years ago, was when my doctor talked me into taking the flu shot. I think I’ll pass on the virus vaccine.

  12. COVID appeals to the Hysterical and to the Useful idiots following the Globalist agenda.
    The mortality rate does not support the declaration of a pandemic any more than seasonal flue which is more dangerous across all age groups. Leftist leaders across the US and ar9ond the world did their best to mis-direct in controlling the infection so as to increase the death tolls – it didnt work – herd immunity is growing in-spite of Bill Gates demands to block herd immunity.
    the science is settled – it’s a fake pandemic – Musk is right

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