The New York Bar Association recently approved a resolution calling for NY Governor Andrew Cuomo to make COVID-19 vaccines mandatory for all state residents, without allowance for religious, philosophical, or personal exemptions.
The move comes even as a large percentage of Americans voice their doubts over the efficacy of potential COVID-19 vaccinations. It normally takes about three years to develop a vaccine, but companies are rushing through the process in an effort to get their product on the market first.
Additionally, the fact that individuals will most likely have to be vaccinated multiple times has given many people pause, as receiving multiple shots of a questionable medical product could have negative side-effects. What’s more, millions of Americans are diametrically opposed to vaccinations made using cells from aborted babies, and so would refuse COVID-19 vaccinations based on this consideration.
None of the above-mentioned facts matter to far-left lawmakers who are eager to push their narrative on the general public, come what may. Moreover, as the entire nation has seen up close and personal, Democrat governors have no problem running roughshod over basic rights and liberties in the name of “public safety.”
Governor Cuomo and NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio have blasted the city’s Orthodox Jews for failing to adhere to draconian COVID-19 lockdown rules while allowing mobs of BLM protestors to gather at will. The governor has placed restrictions on out of state travelers — even though he furiously denounced other state governors that did the exact same thing at the onset of the pandemic.
Even now, Governor Cuomo is playing politics with the pandemic by publicly stating that he would stop the distribution of a COVID-19 vaccine in his state because he doesn’t want President Trump to distribute it. Such a measure would likely be a relief to those who would rather not be forced into taking medication they don’t believe is safe. However, it would be a huge blow to those most affected by COVID-19, including healthcare workers, minorities, and other high-risk individuals.
The United States of America is meant to be a free nation. If individuals would rather not inject certain medical products into their bodies, they should have the right to opt out without fear of state-sanctioned harassment. Those who want to get the new COVID-19 vaccine should be free to do so even if the distribution of the vaccine is organized by someone the left doesn’t like. These facts seem to be beyond the comprehension of the far left.
The fact that New York’s attorneys think that everyone should be forced to get a vaccine sets a dangerous precedent that could cause untold harm.
What gives them the right?
get it as fast as you can it is time Cuomo get off our backs he thinks the up state people are just all low lifes
Try it you will get a big surprise. Not Nazi Germany yet. Why do you think you can force people to take a vaccine that is not 100% pure. You health people push dangerous drugs on the American people. As long as you get big bucks you don’t care if its works or not. All stain drugs are poison to people. Have you ever cure anything? No chemo is worse than the disease. So sick of doctors and scientists push dangerous drugs for profit. You lie all the time. Doctor and scientists have become political . Shame on all of you. But you push abortion. So sick of your Unamerican scrap. So go to Russia or China where you can kill off people.
This is there way of getting rid of people because they think we’re over populated . just like Nazi Germany they are insane crazy people and people need to stand up and fight for their rights or you will be in a cage If you do not
This is criminal.
Now, Cuomo’s thugs are going to force this vaccine on New Yorkers? WHAT A DISGUSTING HYPOCRITE CUOMO IS!! Same as Gruesome Newsom and Witchmer from Michiganistan!
Here you see these POLITICAN are in the pocket of BIG PHARMA! They don’t want to help anyone who have found a solution to this. BECAUSE IT WILL HIT THEIR OWN WEALTHY! THEY NEED TO KEEP PEOPLE BUYING PHONY DRUGS! SO THE MONEY KEEP GOING TO THEIR BANK ACCOUNT!
I don’t care if the vaccine is 100% effective and the only side effects are you sh*t rainbows and daisies, I won’t be taking a “mandatory” vaccine.