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Anti GMO Activist Found Dead Under Suspicious Circumstances

It doesn’t take a genius to realize the health, energy, vitality, and intelligence of the population is under attack. Just begin with the fact that the first known use of fluoridated water was in a prison camp in Nazi Germany. After that, you’ll start to see the need to know establishment medicine’s motivations and why it’s so important to get all of the information about a food, drug or health product before you ingest/use it.

We recently found out about an outspoken activist who opposed genetically modified organisms in the production of our food supply. Her name was Mila de Mier. She was working to stop the use of genetically modified mosquitoes. She was on her way to deliver a petition to stop the use of these genetically manipulated creatures with more than 200,000 signatures to the Environmental Protection Agency when she was found drowned in a hotel pool in Washington D.C.

The mosquito species, Aedes aegypti, is being modified- we are told- in an attempt to curtail the numbers of these pests and to push back the progress of the Zika virus. According to mainstream reporting, the Zika virus is the cause of grievous birth defects. The problem with this reporting is that there are a number of environmental factors that could have caused these effects.

As always, when a specific government intervention is pushed without verification of the cause of the harm they are attempting to address, it means we are not being told the whole story.

This is the case with the genetic manipulation of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. For one thing, no serious attempt to educate the public about what genetic manipulation can do has ever been made. This means that the public cannot properly consent to these technologies which will certainly affect their lives.

To be clear, when scientists alter the genes of a living being, they may know what effect the change of the specific gene set will have. But they cannot know, without existence proof, how those altered genes will affect the entirety of the genetic structure and the environment in which it is meant to operate.

It’s a bit like taking drug manufacturers word for it when they say their new drug will cure your symptoms and has no side effects—you know you’re being screwed with and lied to, but you just aren’t sure exactly how.

Just like in medicine, where doctors can make many deadly mistakes and never be held accountable- these geneticists will excuse themselves when things go wrong.

Like many activists before her, Mila de Mier stood against the use of the GMO mosquito on these grounds. She opposed it on the grounds that, there is no possibility of transparency since there is no public education in genetic manipulation. She opposed it on the grounds that similar attempts to control animal populations have backfired again and again.

The plan, in this case, was to inject mosquito eggs with genes that would cause most or all subsequent generations of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes to be born male. Because male mosquitoes do not bite, they do not spread disease.

Proponents of the modification say the opposition is based on fear and ignorance. But the question we are asking here- and asking others to take seriously- is ‘what if Mila de Mier was murdered?’

If she was murdered, then someone had a reason to do so. And the biggest suspect in this line of questioning is the entities who had an interest in going forward with the genetic modification of the mosquitoes.

Maybe she did drown accidentally. But her death came just hours before she was to deliver a petition—with the required number of signatures (200,000+)—to the EPA to demand they deny a permit for the release of genetically modified mosquitos in Florida and Texas.

Her death reminds us of the increased amount of death threats and suspicious deaths that have plagued anti-GMO activists and holistic health practitioners over the last several years.  Increasingly anti-establishment activists and practitioners are using fake names when staying in hotels and becoming concealed carriers.

While all of this may seem like a conspiracy theory, but its not such a far-fetched idea when taken into account how aggressive the GMO and Big Pharma industries have gotten with those who disagree with them.

~ Health Scams Exposed

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