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The Hidden Causes of Skin Cancer Nobody Wants You to Know About

When you first hear the words “skin cancer”, what do you picture? A person sunbathing or using a tanning bed? If so, you’re not alone. For over 30 years we’ve been led to believe that UV exposure is the only cause of skin cancer!

What if I told you that sun exposure is GOOD for your skin and can actually help PREVENT skin cancer? Would that shock you? Read on!

Vitamin D Deficiency Could Lead to Skin Cancer

Vitamin D deficiency is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the world, yet a majority of medical professionals don’t take that into consideration when treating their patients.

No matter what disease the person is living with (autoimmune disease, heart disease, cancer, etc.), very few in the medical community consider nutrient deficiencies as a possible cause.

The most ironic thing is, vitamin D deficiency can occur due to lack of sun exposure!

According to a study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vitamin D deficiency has been associated with an increased risk of common cancers, autoimmune disease, and infectious disease.”

The study goes on to explain that, “Both men and women exposed to the most sunlight throughout their lives were less likely to die of cancer.”

Another study, this one published in The American Journal of Public Health, revealed that sufficient vitamin D correlates to a lower cancer risk.

If you have an autoimmune disease, you could be at increased risk for skin cancer!

A vitamin D deficiency combined with an autoimmune disease can cause a deadly domino effect in your body!

According to a study published in an Italian medical journal, skin cancer has been “significantly associated” with autoimmune connective tissue diseases such as lupus erythematosus, scleroderma, dermatomyositis, and Sjögren syndrome.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, a study published by JAMA Dermatology revealed that immunosuppressive therapy can be a risk factor for the development of non-melanoma skin cancer.

What to do: Get your vitamin D blood levels checked. If you have an autoimmune disease and are using immunosuppressive drugs, talk with a knowledgeable and open-minded doctor about how you can minimize your risk of skin cancer.

The Makeup You’re Using May Cause Skin Cancer

Like many people, you may delight in wearing makeup. Trying a new mascara, lipstick, or blush can be as exciting as Christmas morning! However, did you know that there are known carcinogens (cancer-causing agents) in most commercial cosmetics?

It’s true. Each and every one of the chemicals or additives listed below are known carcinogens, yet they are still allowed in our cosmetics!

  • Arsenic
  • Benzene
  • Cadmium
  • Chromium
  • Crystalline Silica or Quartz
  • Coal Tar
  • Ethylene Oxide
  • Formaldehyde
  • Methylene Glycol
  • Mineral Oils (Untreated or Mildly Treated)
  • Phenacetin

What to do: Check your makeup labels very carefully. If you see any of these ingredients, toss that poison in the trash. Look for handmade natural and organic makeup on instead. There are TONS of options to choose from. There are also websites dedicated to selling only natural, toxin-free cosmetics. Just do a Google search, and get ready to have some fun!

The SUNSCREEN You’re Using Could Be Very Dangerous

Not only do we hear that even a small amount of sunlight exposure can cause cancer, we’re also told that to protect ourselves from this fate, we must slather on as much sunscreen as possible before venturing out beneath that villainous yellow orb!

So, not only are we blocking life-saving vitamin D3 that comes from the sun, we are also using a lotion, cream, or spray that could be loaded with cancer-causing chemicals to do it with.

Does that make any sense to you? It sure doesn’t to me!

The Environmental Working Group has done extensive research on the chemicals in popular commercial sunscreens, and many of them are known hormone disruptors.

These include, but are not limited to:

  • Oxybenzone
  • Octinoxate
  • Homosalate

A study published in Reviews in Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders reveals the alarming connection between endocrine disruptors and cancer development.

“Endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) perturb the endocrine system, and they are also carcinogenic, immunotoxic, and hepatotoxic to human skin. In addition, their effects on keratinocytes, melanocytes, sebocytes, inflammatory and immunological cells, and skin stem cells produce inflammatory and allergic skin diseases, chloracne, disorders of skin pigmentation, skin cancer, and skin aging.”

What to do: Look for natural and organic sunscreens without these toxins in them. Check out the EWG site ( for more information about safer sunscreens.

The Food You’re Eating Could Increase Your Risk of Cancer

Even the food you eat every day could increase your risk of cancer, especially if you eat a lot of fast food and ready-to-eat meals.

According to Healthy Eating Advisor, there are tons of additives and preservatives in our food, and some of them are known carcinogens.

For example:

  • Acesulfame-K – “Sunette”
  • BHA
  • Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil
  • Nitrates

What to do: Start carefully reading food labels. If you see any of the above additives in your food, throw that food away. Opt for more nutritious meals that include organic meat, poultry, fish, eggs, beans, legumes, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and healthy fats like coconut oil, avocado, and walnut.

Fake Tanning Spray/Lotion Could Be Making You Sick

So, you’ve decided to avoid the potential “dangers” of the sun and turn to tan-in-a-can instead? Not so fast! This method could still put your health at serious risk.

As in most commercial cosmetics, fake tanners may contain toxic chemicals that could increase your risk of cancer and other diseases.

For example, isopropyl myristate, a pore-blocking compound that may bind to nitrates in your body (which may cause cancer as nitrates are carcinogenic).

Other potential dangers in fake tanners are artificial colors and fragrances as they are made from petrochemicals (chemicals obtained from petroleum and natural gas) such as methylene chloride.

Here’s what the Environmental Protection Agency has to say about this chemical:

“Methylene chloride is a volatile organic compound widely used as a solvent in numerous applications, including adhesives, pharmaceuticals, metal degreasers, chemical processes, and aerosols, as well as paint strippers. EPA classifies the chemical as “likely to be carcinogenic in humans.””

If you go to a salon and use one of those popular spray tanning booths, you could also be at risk for cancer due to dihydroxyacetone (DHA) exposure.

“These compounds, in some cells, could actually promote the development of cancers or malignancies,” Dr. Rey Panettieri, a toxicologist and lung specialist at the University of Pennsylvania, told ABC News.

“Panettieri and five other doctors said they became worried about the harmful effects of spray tanning after reviewing 10 scientific studies of DHA.”

What to do: Avoid fake tanning lotions, creams, and sprays. Love the natural skin you’re in! (If you want a safe, temporary glow, opt for natural tea or coffee “tanning” instead.)

In conclusion, I want to stress that hours of unprotected sun exposure is not healthy for your skin. That kind of exposure CAN increase your risk of skin cancer because it’s very damaging to your skin. However, 15 minutes of unprotected sun exposure each day can increase your vitamin D levels and your overall health.

If you cannot do this because of certain medications you are taking or if you burn easily, add a vitamin D supplement to your diet, BUT be sure to get your vitamin D levels tested first. Also, talk to your doctor about any medications you’re on before using a supplement.

When it comes to skin cancer, the sun is not your enemy. It’s not out to “get” you, but some of these man-made products just might be. So, read labels, opt for organic, get healthy sun exposure, and take good care of your skin. Not only will you be far less likely to develop skin cancer, you’ll look and feel so much better!

~ Health Scams Exposed

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