Leading HIV/AIDS researcher, Dr. Robert Redfield, has been chosen by President Trump to lead the Center for Disease Control, (CDC). He’s replaced Dr. Brenda Fitzgerald, who resigned under significant pressure after it was discovered that she owned a large number of shares of a major tobacco producer.
To foresee how the mainstream media will react to Redfield’s appointment, you only have to consider that fact that he was chosen by President Trump. For our flash analysis of the liberal media frenzy, please consult the following paragraph.
They went completely nuts.
CNN, in a headline, referred the new CDC director as “abysmal.” According to their “report,” Redfield has ‘dubious qualifications.’ This, despite the fact that the man has been a leading researcher in the fight against the HIV/AIDS epidemic. If you ask VOX News, hysteria is justified since the new CDC director was once accused of research misconduct.
Of course, we live in a political culture where mere accusations are enough to convict- so Redfield is clearly the wrong choice. VOX called it ‘a major shakeup,’ despite the fact that they seemed to be the only ones who noticed.
Dr. Redfield was not only a leading AIDS researcher, but he was also a head professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine. There, he also became co-founder of the University’s Institute of Human Virology, and he served as the associate director for that organization.
The VOX report says all of this right off the bat, by the end of the second paragraph of their article on Redfield’s appointment. But in the same paragraph, they say he has no experience leading a public health agency.
One might wonder where a candidate is supposed to get experience leading the CDC before being appointed to the role. A CDC Director VR Simulator? Why not? Holding him to that standard won’t make us seem unreasonable at all.
Then VOX goes on to write that Redfield has spent the majority of his career focused on “research and health care for people with chronic viral infections and infectious diseases.” FYI, there’s a hell of a lot of overlap between that role and the mission of the CDC. We think we might detect a hint of Trump Derangement Syndrome here.
Now back to CNN, the world’s most totally-super trusted news network. What’s got CNN bothered about Redfield is his salary. They don’t think he deserves it.
The doctor negotiated his salary for the position from $375,000 a year down to $209,700. CNN thinks that’s exorbitant. Understand, these complaints are coming from a network where walking haircuts are paid millions of dollars a year to repeat things written on a teleprompter.
You’ll remember, Dr. Redfield isn’t the first Trump administration official to take less money than the position grants them. Donald Trump himself gives his entire presidential salary to charity. We’ll forgive you if you’ve forgotten that fact… the MSM hasn’t reported that as far as we’re aware.
In a groan-inspiring diatribe, CNN goes on for hundreds of words comparing Redfield’s salary at the CDC to the pay grades of other public officials. As usual, they are pretending to care about things that are clearly insignificant because… um… Trump?
In another sleep-inducing news article, The Atlantic writes, “Trump’s Pick for CDC Director Is Experienced But Controversial.” At least we know that the left isn’t in lock-step in calling the man inexperienced. But Oh-oh, he’s controversial. Of course, the left can make anything it wants into a controversy since they control about 80% of the narrative.
The Atlantic article opens with, “In the first year of his administration, Donald Trump has repeatedly filled important scientific positions with candidates who seem to be either unqualified for the roles or diametrically opposed to the very purpose of those roles.” They offer no facts, no links- just a bold claim with nothing to back it up.
It’s important to keep in mind that in order to be qualified for a government position according to the left wing media, you have to be ready to support an agenda to grow government powers and bureaucracy to exponential ends.
Trump’s appointees have all been dedicated to doing exactly the opposite- shrinking the size and power of these institutions so that the rest of us have room to breathe.
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