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The Truth about Secret Vaccine Courts

No matter what side of the debate you fall on when it comes to the safety and effectiveness of vaccines chances are you have never heard of the secret vaccine courts.

A special “no-fault” court system was put into place in the 1980s that handles thousands of vaccine-related lawsuits. These cases are concerned with thousands of incidents of death and injury caused by vaccines- primarily in children- and the pro-vaccine establishment is doing everything it can to keep it a secret.

Anna Kirkland, a pro-vaccine activist from the University of Michigan, is worried that letting people know about the vaccine courts could reduce vaccination rates. She dismisses the fact that hundreds of millions of dollars in settlements have come out of this court in cases where vaccines caused grievous harm. She believes that the gag orders and the huge amounts of money that come with them only give the appearance that vaccines are dangerous.

But if they are not dangerous, why pay the settlements? And why order the claimants to be silent?

The Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, or “vaccine court,” was created in 1986 to deal with the groundswell of people claiming vaccines had harmed their children. Prior to the existence of the court, vaccine makers had special protection from public lawsuits. But the outcry was so great, that something else had to be done to quiet the many angry parents.

The law that established the court also allows vaccine manufacturers the right not to disclose the known risks of their products. That means you have no legal right to know the risks to your children when you bring them to the doctor to be vaccinated. To offset that privilege it was deemed necessary to balance the protection with some measure to satisfy the parents of children who have been harmed. That balance is the secret vaccine court.

Families who are injured by vaccines are compensated via an administrative process based on a chart of predictable vaccine-related injuries.

It’s almost as if parents of vaccine-injured children come to the court, pick their grievance off a menu of known grievances, and are given a set amount of compensation for their damages…after years of appeal that is.

When the court was first created, 90% of the claims were “on table,” which means they are open cases with public results. Today, when vaccine schedules have more than tripled, 90% of plaintiffs are forced into “off table” litigation.

This system is designed to obfuscate the dangers of vaccines so that parents will continue to fold to the pressure and subject their children to these dubious preventative treatments.

If you’re not angry yet, you’d better take a deep breath.

The damages that injured families receive when they are awarded by the vaccine court do not come out of the pockets of the manufacturers. Compensation comes out of a special fund compiled by a tax placed on every individual vaccine purchase and from the general treasury which comes from taxpayer monies.

That means the general public- including the victims of vaccines- are paying for the immense harm done by vaccines.

Imagine, a criminal who wishes to plunder the homes in a given neighborhood. Now, imagine that criminal has close connection to the police chief whose will is to protect that criminal. So, instead of imprisoning the burglar, he sets up a fund to repay victims for their losses. But the fund is paid by the neighborhood in the form of a utility price hike. This is analogous to the arrangement vaccine manufacturers and healthcare organizations have been set up with.

It’s a condition of total immunity, where the community itself pays for the harms that are visited upon it by those who portend to serve them.

Every quarter the Dept. of Justice issues a report on deaths and injuries caused by vaccines. For the month of March 2015; the DOJ reported 117 of injury and death caused by vaccines. Of those 92 received cash settlements.

In November of 2014, the Government Accounting Office released a report that criticized the government for hiding the truth of the vaccine court from the general public.

Even victims who are aware of the court often have to fight for years to receive any compensation. They are resisted ferociously at every turn, are pressured to keep quiet about their story and many times cannot afford to complete the legal process.

The Vaccine Compensation Fund is currently over $4 billion dollars. That money is taken from the public to pay for harm done to the public and is itself a crime of epic proportions.

~ Health Scams Exposed

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