We’ve been lied to about animal fats for years, and we’re just beginning to wake up from a nightmare of bad medical advice that has driven rates of heart disease through the roof.
Several decades ago the sugar industry realized science was beginning to hone in on the fact that sugar is one of the most harmful and addictive substances we consume. Second only to tobacco, sugar is responsible for all manner of metabolic and circulatory diseases.
Simple carbohydrates are the favorite food of Candida, an intestinal fungus that causes cancer. On top of all that, there is evidence that once Candida is in our digestive systems it has the ability to boost cravings for sugar.
But the story gets worse for sugar. When present in the bloodstream, sugar, (as well as table salt, a ruined form of healthy, natural salt which we will not go into here), irritates vascular tissues. It causes micro-lacerations in blood vessels. The way the body responds to this type of damage is to line blood vessels with protective cholesterol.
This is where the sugar lobby comes in.
When doctors found that high cholesterol is correlated to heart disease they mistakenly named it the cause of heart disease. The truth is the body produces cholesterol to protect us from damage done by simple carbs and cheap table salts.
Sugar manufacturers managed to get the medical community to blame cholesterol, and we cut cholesterol out of our diets. This was a disaster. Our brains and connective tissues are made from cholesterol, as are all of the cells in our body, at least in part. The body produces cholesterol naturally. This is why they could not get around the fact that cholesterol is good. Instead of holding the line that it’s all bad, they sold us the good cop/bad cop story about LDL and HDL cholesterol.
So in recent years, many people have been waking up to the realization that animal fat and butter are not bad for you. We need these things in our diets. Humans are meant to consume animal meat, after all.
Many people will tell you that we don’t have the teeth of a meat eater, and they are right. We have the teeth of a meat eater that cooks its food. So, you can lay that one on your vegan friends next time they try to guilt you into subsisting on soy beans.
One of the worst casualties of the war on cholesterol has been the decade’s long push for people to use vegetable oils. We are not well adapted to eat oils extracted from soybeans, rapeseeds, and the like. They are extracted using petroleum products and deodorants. They are not real oils at all. It’s a bit like drinking gasoline.
But it’s made from vegetables, right? So it has to be good for you. Not quite, sparky. They burn hot in our cells and are totally devoid of necessary nutrients that come from real fats and oils.
Imagine putting a fuel into your car that burns ten times as hot as regular gas but puts out only a fraction of the energy. You’d ruin your car and never get anywhere. That’s what “vegetable oils” are like.
Fortunately, thanks to science, we have our old friend back… Butter!
In short, many studies have emerged in recent years proving that cholesterol and animal fats were wrongly demonized, and blamed for heart disease. We know now that sugar, in all its forms, is the real enemy. Complex carbs in fruits and potatoes are okay- but they’re not great, and should be eaten in moderation.
Despite all this, the American Heart Association has not learned its lesson. They want us to go back to those evil vegetable oils and ditch our old pall butter.
Gosh, it’s almost like they make more money when people are sick and are hoping we’ll forget what science is telling us.
The AHA has built an empire going after healthy fats. For years, no one was wise to their chicanery- except the sugar lobby of course. Rather than eating fats that nourish our brains and bodies, they want us to eat vegetable oils that promote inflammation, suppress thyroid function, slow the metabolism, deprive us of the fats that connections in the brain are made from, and promote cancer.
By the way, statin drugs (heart disease medication) do all of the same things vegetable oils do. Gee, it almost sounds like a conspiracy, doesn’t it? At least we know conspiracies are scientifically impossible and never happen… right?
~ Health Scams Exposed