The popular Eastern mystic, Sadhguru is fond of saying that whatever it is that you need most- whatever is most distant from you, most needed, most missed… that thing holds the place of the divine in our hearts. He doesn’t mean that God is what we don’t have. What he means is that which we lack is that which we most desire.
This is true, maybe more than in any other area, with our health. When we are well and feel good, health is farthest from our minds. It’s when those strange aches and pains, inexplicable tiredness, and other worrying signs start to crop up that we start holding health up on a pedestal of sorts.
So it makes sense that the effects of many things that are good for our health go largely unnoticed. It’s a shame, but that does seem to be the case. But nevertheless, those positive effects are still there. Have a glass of wine, a few cups of coffee, or a cigarette- if you’re into that sort of thing- and we start feeling great.
Kind of mixed up and backward, isn’t it?
However, as we age we tend to become more sensitive to changes in our bodies. It’s then that we might actually start to feel it when something is doing our bodies good.
Case in point this video detailing the five amazing benefits of eating two bananas a day for a month.