Since the start of the industrial revolution, cancer rates have gone through the roof. This is a direct consequence of exposure to harmful substances that our bodies are not able to cope with naturally, and the disruption of our natural sleeping and eating cycles.
Now, we don’t want to sound ungrateful. After all, modern science has improved our lives substantially. But that doesn’t mean we can’t find new and better ways to cope with the risks associated with modernization.
By and large, the best ways we can deal with the hazards of modern life involve reincorporating as many naturalistic habits as possible. That means returning to natural sleep cycles or at least simulating them, and removing unnatural substances from our diets as much as possible.
It also means making regular exercise an integral part of our lives. Just moving the body does a lot of good. You might think of it as being like swirling a glass as you clean it by hand. Just moving the water around inside the glass cleans it so much faster. In the same way, moving the body agitates toxins that might normally remain trapped inside our guts, arteries, or elsewhere.
Of course, even with good sleep habits, an excellent diet, and regular exercise we’re still exposed to all manner of unpleasant things. That means, even the healthiest people could use some help eliminating toxins.
To that end, here’s our favorite video with some helpful bath tips to help you detox and rid your body of harmful toxins.