Just recently, Coca Cola has released a new advertising campaign claiming that the neurotoxic, cancer-causing sweetener, aspartame, is the “healthy and safe” alternative to sugar. We couldn’t believe our eyes when we saw the advertisement, which features two women laughing and appearing to enjoy a bottle of classic Coke.
More and more people are starting to get wise to the health dangers of processed food and this Atlanta-based soft drink company is losing sales by the truckload. Enter a slick advertising campaign to make it all better again. Well, they can try. But you won’t be fooled, will you?
Coca Cola Has the Nerve to Call “Aspartame” Safe
Aspartame, like most chemicals, was discovered by accident. In 1965, a chemist working on a new drug for stomach ulcers accidentally tasted the chemical and marveled at how sweet it was. As a matter of fact, aspartame is 100 times sweeter than sugar and tastes the most like sugar out of all of the artificial sweeteners.
Abandoning the thought of using aspartame as an ulcer medication, it was sent to the FDA for approval as a commercial sweetener. In 1967, extensive animal studies began. Of seven monkeys given aspartame, one of them died while the rest suffered grand mal seizures. In 1970, neuroscientist Dr. John Olney came forward with a claim that aspartame caused holes in the brains of baby mice.
By 1973, millions of dollars had been poured into so-called “safety tests” and submitted over 100 documents touting the safety of aspartame. By 1976, it was revealed that Searle, the company manufacturing aspartame, released shoddy, manipulated test data.
By 1983, after nearly 20 years of testing and legal trials and despite numerous claims of its devastating health effects, aspartame is approved for soft drink sales. Aspartame was not approved for use in baked goods until 1993 due to its dangerous chemical changes when exposed to heat.
Terrible Side Effects Linked to Diet Soda Consumption
Despite contrary claims, aspartame is not healthy, nor is it safe. It has been shown to cause devastating side effects for the past 30 years.
These side effects include:
- Child Behavioral Problems
Extensive research has shown a critical link between the consumption of aspartame and child behavioral problems. During the first critical years of life, your child’s brain is still developing. This makes aspartame, which is a known neurotoxin, much more dangerous to your child than to a grown adult. Aspartame has been shown to cause learning and developmental problems, aggression, poor impulse control, and social anxiety.
- Neurological Disorders
Aspartame is called an excitotoxin because it over-stimulates brain cells to an early death. To make matters worse, symptoms don’t appear until 75% of neural cells are dead or damaged beyond repair! Common neurological disorders linked to aspartame consumption include brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, and Alzheimer’s disease.
- Weight Gain
It’s incredible to note how many “diet” foods contain aspartame because they don’t prevent weight gain, they cause it! Aspartame has been shown to stimulate your appetite, interfere with your glucose levels, disrupt your hormone levels, slow your metabolism, and encourage your body to store more fat!
- Diabetes
One of the worst ironies of all about aspartame is it is worse for diabetics than sugar. Aspartame causes reduced insulin sensitivity and an increase in fasting blood glucose levels. Doctors H. J. Roberts and Russell Blaylock discuss how diabetic patients go blind, suffer extreme mental confusion, and experience out-of-control glucose levels in their movie, “Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World”.
- Autoimmune Disease
An autoimmune disease occurs when the immune system begins seeing its own healthy tissue as foreign. It is estimated that 23.5 million Americans suffer with an autoimmune disease. Aspartame is a foreign substance and your immune system is built to protect you from them. Each time you consume a product containing aspartame or another synthetic chemical, your immune system works overtime trying to protect you. Eventually, this will lead to immune system malfunction and chronic inflammation.
- Mental Health Problems
Since aspartame is a neurotoxin, it stands to reason that it would have a serious affect on your mental health. Aspartame has been linked to aggressive behavior, mania, bipolar symptoms, and even psychosis. Phenylalanine, one of the components of aspartame, has been shown to severely alter normal brain function.
- Cancer
The carcinogenic affects of aspartame have been known for decades yet it’s been hidden behind red tape for decades. In 1985 Dr. Adrian Gross, FDA toxicologist, sent a warning to Congress that aspartame violated the Delaney Amendment, which prohibits from our foods any ingredient causing cancer in animals. Breast, thyroid, and pancreatic cancers seem to be the most prevalent cancers associated with aspartame.
More Sources of Aspartame You Need to Be Aware Of
Aspartame isn’t only found in your favorite diet soft drinks. It’s also hidden in a lot of other foods and products you wouldn’t even think of.
- Flavored Water
Flavored water is one of the worst scams on the market, especially vitamin water. Vitamin water is no better for your health than soft drinks. Not only do they contain synthetic vitamins your body can’t absorb, it also contains dangerous food dyes and aspartame.
- Yogurt
Yogurt is supposed to be good for your health but if you eat it, it’s important to read the label. Many commercial yogurts contain food dyes and aspartame you should avoid. Read food labels to be sure the yogurt you’re choosing is organic.
- Chewing Gum
If you chew gum, you’re getting a dangerous neurotoxin in your body with every stick. Very few store-bought gums are without aspartame. If you like chewing it, your best bet is Glee gum. It’s the only one HealthScamsExposed.com has been able to find that won’t kill you!
- Breakfast Cereal
If you feed your children popular breakfast cereals (or if you eat them yourself), you’re putting your entire family at risk for serious neurological disease. Breakfast cereal not only contains BHA and BHT that should have no place in the human food supply, it also contains aspartame.
- Drink Powders
Do you use drink powders to flavor your water? They often contain aspartame, dyes, and other hazardous chemicals. Flavor your water naturally instead.
- Children’s Medicine
You can’t even escape aspartame when you’re trying to take care of your sick child. Since aspartame is sweet, it is often added to cough syrup to make it more palatable and kid-friendly. Ask your pharmacist about your alternative options.
- Sugar-Free Products
If you’re diabetic and consume any sugar-free products, avoid aspartame. Switch to stevia instead.
- Cooking Sauces
Sweet cooking sauces often contain this dangerous neurotoxin. Be sure to read food labels to be sure it’s not in the one you use.
Be Warned – Aspartame Hides Under Other Names
Aspartame doesn’t always come out and announce itself on labels.
This is why it’s important you know that this neurotoxin disguises itself under a few different names:
- Amino Sweet
Since more and more people are getting wise to the horrible health effects of aspartame, sales of products containing it are dropping. This has prompted manufacturing companies to secretly switch aspartame to Amino Sweet. Don’t be fooled.
- NutraSweet, Equal, Sweet & Low
The next time you’re at the diner, look carefully at the pink and blue packets of sugar you’re using to sweeten your coffee. These are all pure aspartame. Avoid them.
The best way to avoid aspartame is to become a label-reader. Carefully scrutinize everything you buy the next time you go to the store. You’ll be amazed at how much stuff contains aspartame and other synthetic chemicals you shouldn’t be consuming.
Remember, each time you go to the grocery store, you’re voting with your wallet. Don’t let clever advertising deter you from making the best decisions for your health and family.
**Recommended Research**
If you’re like me then you are tired of reading about CANCER CURES! I’m so sick of reading and researching book after book about how I can cure myself of cancer with a newly discovered vine only found in the Amazon or a fruit only native in the foothills of Indonesia. Puh-lease!
What I want is real information. And not about foods or treatments that I have to travel to remote locations to get!
Now I’m not claiming Dr. Janet Hall has found the cure for cancer. But she does have a lot of compelling research about what everyday foods and vitamins help fight cancer.
Only click on this link if you or someone you know wants a more natural and easy to use approach to preventing the most deadly disease our world has ever known.
To Your Health and Mine,
Jessica Coffey, Publisher Health Scams Exposed