If you pay attention to health news then you are probably aware of a number of ways to easily monitor your health, and that of others as well.
The smell of a person’s breath, for example, can tell you a lot about whether or not they have a good diet. Sweet, fruity smelling breath often signals your ketones are elevated.
The appearance of a person’s skin is a good indicator of health. Uneven coloring and blemishes can be telltale signs of underlying trouble. Blood sugar problems and dehydration can cause red, flaky and/or irritated skin patches.
White spots on the finger nails and toe nails can be an indication of an improper or inadequate diet.
The whites of the eyes can tell you whether or not someone has had a good night’s sleep or if they are fatigued or stressed in some way. The early stages of jaundice can oftentimes be spotted via a subtle yellowing of the eyes.
If you really want to know what a person’s health is like, you’ll go a long way by just looking in the refrigerator. Chances are, whatever is in there is representative of their usual diet.
Of course, we’re not doctors and we don’t recommend trying to diagnose your friends over lunch. But there’s another good metric for measuring your own health, and that is the consistency and color of your earwax.
Watch this video is see what your earwax says about your current health.