Hexavalent Chromium Found in 75% of Drinking Water

The Environmental Working Group (EWG), an organization founded in part by Erin Brockovich, has found that 75% of the drinking water in the United States contains Hexavalent Chromium (CR6), a well-known carcinogen. It has been associated with cancers of the mouth, throat, and lungs and is known to cause irritation to the skin and eyes when contacted externally.

According to the EWG, 200 million Americans are being exposed to this substance every day via their drinking water.

EPAwatch.org analyzed municipal water samples from numerous locations across the country. They discovered high concentrations of heavy metals in more than 6% of the samples.

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) provides a fact sheet on CR6 to include the following statement;

CR6 is a well-established carcinogen associated with lung, nasal, and sinus cancer. Some of the industries in which the largest numbers of workers are exposed to high concentrations of airborne CR6 compounds include electroplating, welding, and chromate painting. A hierarchy of controls, including elimination, substitution, engineering controls, administrative controls, and the use of personal protective equipment, should be followed to control workplace exposures. Dermal exposure to Cr(VI) should also be prevented to reduce the risk of skin irritation, corrosion, ulcers, sensitization, and allergic contact dermatitis.”

This is one of the nation’s greatest and least-reported challenges. It is an ongoing battle between concerned researchers, scientists and communities pushing back against developers and other moneyed interests.

The former group pushes for tighter controls on the exposure of the public to toxic chemicals, while the latter group is more concerned about the cost of cleanup and lost development opportunities.

The story is similar to the plot of Jaws, where the local Sheriff is fighting to protect beach-goers from the danger of a man-eating shark, while the mayor is more concerned about keeping it quiet to avoid losing large revenue from tourism.

The difference between Jaws and reality is that in real life the big, scary monster causing dramatic death scenes is silent, invisible, and slow, but it is ever present, ever persistent, and the death toll is much, much higher.

President Trump has not turned a deaf ear to these issues. During his campaign in 2016, he held a rally in Michigan where he famously said, “We used to make cars in Flint and you couldn’t drink the water in Mexico. Now the cars are being made in Mexico, and you can’t drink the water in Flint.”

But the grim reality is that it isn’t safe to drink the water in the vast majority of places in the United States which is nearly completely contaminated with CR6, heavy metals, and other dangerous substances.

Of course, all of this more recent contamination of the water is in addition to the long-standing and intentional contamination of the water with fluoride. We have discussed the dangers and the deception behind fluoride, along with its first known use as a way to pacify people in concentration camps in Nazi Germany.

Our government started fluoridating the water in 1945. Back then, it would seem there were fewer psychopaths in government, or maybe the public was more alert. They couldn’t simply dump it in, they had to convince us that there was a good reason to contaminate our water with it… dental hygiene.

Today, as more and more poisons are dumped into our drinking water via criminal corporate waste disposal efforts and poor environmental controls. They don’t even do us the courtesy of making up a pleasant lie- they just dump it in.

These battles have been going on for years, and even ancient Rome had similar issues. So given the pervasive nature of contaminated drinking water, we need to start thinking about how we can protect our families from CR6 and other poisons in the water.

One way to filter out toxins in drinking water is to use a water purifier. Look for one that has a 5 stage filtration system that is certified to reduce chromium and lead.

Of course, there is no filtration system in the shower, and as stated, CR6 is a skin irritant.

Families may need to start investing in filtration systems for their homes that cost hundreds of dollars on top of improving their diets to boost immunity. This may seem like a lot of money, but in the end, the costs to your health and the price of depending on an untrustworthy medical establishment is a much greater price to pay.

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