Hearing loss is an inevitable result of aging and of living. Over the course of our lives, our hearing tends to naturally degrade as the cells that support the tiny hairs in our ears and our eardrums themselves degrade.
In addition, there are unnatural hazards to the health of our hearing that present themselves on a pretty regular basis. Loud work environments, rock concerts, hearing related accidents at the shooting range and many more loud noises threaten to damage our hearing.
Among all the hazards to our hearing rock concerts and gunshots are some of the biggest. Even if our work threatens to damage our hearing, few situations can result in faster permanent hearing loss than being near a shooting range without ear protection, or standing too near to the speakers at a rock concert.
Sudden loud noises are dangerous since they can often be unexpected. But the biggest cause of unnatural hearing loss are loud constant noises such as what factory workers are regularly exposed to.
Fortunately, there are some natural and healthy remedies that can both protect and at least partially restore our hearing.
First, if we can anticipate being exposed to loud noises that might threaten our hearing we may be able to protect our ears by taking a 200mg dose of magnesium. Taking magnesium each day is a good way to help strengthen our ears. This is especially useful if you work in a factory or are exposed to loud noises regularly.
Proper nutrition is one of our best defenses against hearing loss. Vitamin A and E can even reverse some hearing loss in some cases and will offer a certain amount of protection from noise pollution. Vitamin D is also a big hearing loss preventative. With insufficient levels of vitamin D, we lose the protective calcium that would naturally offer some resistance to ear-damaging noise.
Fish oils and omega 3 fatty acids are an important part of how our body supports and maintains certain structures like cartilage, hair, blood vessels, and many other important structures such as the hair, skin, and bone that make up the outer structures of our inner ear. These are best for sustaining long-term hearing loss prevention. Folic acid is also associated with better long-term hearing health.
Antioxidants promote general good health, prevent disease and slow the natural degradation of the body over time. This includes the structures integral to hearing. Antioxidants offer resistance to free radicals which damage and weaken cells on a molecular level.
Strawberries, raspberries, and blueberries are particularly high in vitamin C and antioxidants. Blueberries, in particular, are famous for offering powerful immune boosting properties. These offer a healthy and delicious way to bolster the body against the damaging effects of inner ear infections as well as any number of diseases.
Cajeput oil offers a pleasant and stimulating aroma. Like tea tree oil, it can cut through thick ear wax and kill germs living in the ear canal. It is a good and natural way to eliminate obstructive hearing loss. It is especially useful for those who live or work in very dirty, dusty, or humid environments. Ginger has a similar effect, breaking up fatty deposits and wax.
Ginko biloba is another proven aid for those wishing to reverse some hearing loss. The leaves boost blood flow in the cerebrum to improve nerve transmissions. It can be taken in the form of a tea, capsule, or extract two to three times each day.
Acupressure is another interesting remedy for certain forms of hearing loss according to practitioners and patients. It has been shown to be particularly effective at reducing pain and pressure from sinus swelling. Best of all, you can easily find out how to use acupressure for yourself by looking up instructional videos online… and it’s completely free.
Finally, beware of NSAID drugs, alcohol, aspirin, and acetaminophen. All of these have been linked to increased rates of hearing loss. Alcohol, in particular, has a strong statistical link to behaviors that lead to permanent and sudden hearing loss.
Keep in mind that most hearing loss is irreversible. It can happen instantly if we make a poor choice regarding ear protection in high-risk situations. The best protection is a good diet, regular exercise, and constant vigilance in minding our hearing safety.
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