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Fluoride Dangers You Need to Know About

Have you ever been brushing your teeth and been bored enough to read the back of the tube? The warning clearly states that if you ingest more than a pea-sized amount of the stuff you already have in your mouth, you should call a poison control center immediately.

When did we get so oblivious as a society that we think it’s okay for us to put poison into our mouths so long as we don’t actually swallow it? Would you do that with arsenic? Cyanide? Of course not. Why is fluoride bad? Because, despite what you’ve been lead to believe, fluoride is one of the deadliest poisons on the planet.

The only reason you don’t make the connection between your chronic health problems and the fluoride in your system is because this efficient poison works more slowly.

Side Effects Associated with Fluoride

There’s a reason you’re supposed to call a poison control center if you swallow even a small amount of fluoride. It has some terrible and lasting side effects associated with it.

These side effects include:

  • Autoimmune Disease

If you’re struggling with autoimmune disease, your body is attacking its own healthy tissues. Conventional doctors will tell you they have no idea what causes this “strange phenomenon”. However, our research indicates chemical toxins in your water and food supply are the primary causes of this chronic disease. Scientific studies have shown that even small amounts of fluoride have a significant impact on T-cell function.

  • Neurological Damage

The California Department of Developmental Services Orange County Regional Center has seen autism cases rise by a ridiculous 735% between 1992 and 2007. Today, it is estimated that 1 in every 88 children is born with some form of autism. According to clinical studies, continued administration of fluoride in laboratory rats caused significant and measurable damage to neurons and cerebrovasculature structure.

Fluoride has been linked to not only autism but ADHD, learning disorders, conduct disorders, sensory processing disorders, and impaired motor skills.

Though it is commonly believed that aluminum contributes to Alzheimer’s disease, aluminum is not readily absorbed by the body without help. When combined with sodium fluoride, aluminum crosses the blood-brain barrier, opening a channel for slow neurological destruction.

  • Thyroid Disease

Millions of men and women have low-grade and undiagnosed thyroid disease that is directly caused by fluoride poisoning. As a matter of fact, fluoride was once used as a medication to decrease the function of the thyroid gland! And now it’s being put in your water supply, your toothpaste, your mouthwash, and your food. You can’t escape it. Research indicates that it takes only 2-5 milligrams of fluoride per day to have a profound effect on your thyroid gland.

  • Bone Disease

You’ve heard of osteoporosis but you may have never heard of a debilitating bone disease called skeletal fluorosis. This bone disease causes ligaments to calcify, leading to chronic bone and joint pain. Skeletal fluorosis has been linked especially to excessive consumption of bagged tea products.

  • Infertility

Male and female infertility has become a serious problem in the past 30 years. It is estimated that a startling one in six couples are infertile. Clinical studies have proven that even minute amounts of fluoride have a profound effect on sperm morphology and testosterone levels in males. In females, fluoride has been shown to cause ectopic calcification of arteries, resulting in frequent miscarriages.

Science Has Proven Fluoride Causes Cavities

Here’s the real kick in the teeth: Fluoride doesn’t prevent cavities, it causes them. The two most fluoridated states in the country, Kentucky and West Virginia, have the most toothless residents. In contrast, California and Hawaii, where the water is least fluoridated, have the least amount of dental problems. Incredible. This means there is absolutely no need to put fluoride in our water supply to prevent cavities.

So why is it in there?

Top 10 Sources of Fluoride

1.     Water

Tap water and bottled water are your primary sources of fluoride.

2.     Toothpaste

Check your toothpaste. Most store-bought toothpaste brands contain 2.25 milligrams of fluoride in a single serving.

3.     Mouthwash

As if you weren’t getting enough fluoride in your water and toothpaste; this poisonous neurotoxin is in your mouthwash as well.

4.     Baby Formula

Even your baby formula isn’t safe from fluoride. Nearly half of all United States children are overexposed to fluoride, leading to the development of a disorder called dental fluorosis.

5.     Teflon Cookware

Did you know that your convenient, non-stick cookware is made with fluoride?

6.     Canned Soup

Canned soup can contain up to 132 micrograms of fluoride in two servings.

7.     Soda/Juice/Sports Drinks

Store-bought soda, juice, and sports drinks and commonly made with fluoridated water.

8.     Chicken Nuggets

The mechanical separation process of meat such as chicken nuggets injects more than half of the upper limit of fluoride allowed in the body in a single day.

9.     Processed Food

Pre-packaged meals, canned foods, boxed foods, and snacks all have the potential to contain undisclosed and potentially-dangerous levels of fluoride.

10.    Tea

Published reports have shown that 1-5 milligrams of fluoride per liter of black tea.

How to Avoid Fluoride

The first thing you should do to reduce your fluoride intake is to invest in an activated charcoal or reverse osmosis water filter for your home. This is your first line of defense against deadly water fluoridation.

Purchase toothpaste and mouthwash without added fluoride or make your own at home. Eat as much whole, organic food as possible and avoid junk food. If you’re a tea drinker, opt for the organic, loose-leaf variety. Trade in your Teflon for stainless steel, glass or cast iron cookware.

Fluoride can do serious damage to your health. If you’ve been experiencing strange symptoms, fluoride is likely to be a contributing factor. Do your best to avoid this deadly neurotoxin and share this critical information with your friends now.

***Recommended Research*** 

It’s scary to think of all the toxins the government allows companies to put in our drinking water and food. Did you know that the U.S. government allows Americans to eat over a dozen food ingredients that other countries ban? It’s outrageous. What’s even worse is that they don’t even tell us what those foods are so we can avoid them!

It’s no wonder why instances of ADHD and Autism in children are exploding in America! All of the toxins we eat everyday are literally killing us and our children.

I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you about a book that made me change the way I think about food. Instead of trying to scare you by telling you all of the wrong foods you are eating, it details foods that can super charge your health and override toxins!

We’ve all heard of super foods by now. These are foods that act like super heroes in our bodies. They reverse disease, infuse us with high doses of vitamins, detox our bodies, improve our brains and give us a better quality of life.

The book Super Foods by was the most comprehensive guide I have ever read. It gave me so much information on how I can cure my body from the inside out! I had really high expectations when I started reading, and this book still blew me away with the amount of things I learned.

If you want to learn more about the foods that you are putting into your body and how to eat to cure disease, lose weight, improve your memory, get better skin and hair, and feel younger I encourage you to check out this site. I know I was glad I did.


Jessica Coffey

Publisher for Health Scams Exposed



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