As we age, the needs of our bodies and the nutritional elements required to keep us going also change. The biggest change comes when a person reaches their 40s.
Consuming enough calcium is not only important in our pre-40s, but it becomes imperative during our later years of life as well. While we are more likely to absorb calcium prior to our 30s, in both men and women, calcium consumption has done more during our 40s, 50s and 60s to keep bones strong as well as to reduce the potential for heart failure and a number of other ailments that are known to strike as we age.
For example, a study found that both men and women taking 1,000 to 1,200 milligrams (mgs) of calcium each day is enough to keep muscles, nerves and heart functioning at optimal capacity.
It’s also important to note that combining vitamin D with a calcium supplement is ideal and can assist with absorption. Most physicians note that vitamin D, which can be consumed through items in your diet, isn’t enough to make the cut. Be sure to add in a vitamin D supplement as well to get all the good stuff.
One of the most important supplements is that of fish and algae oils as well as omega-3s. This nutritional supplement is important to not only consume via a supplement, but you can consume heart healthy fish to assist in consuming enough of this necessary and vital nutrient.
Omega-3s are crucial for counteracting heart disease and brain functionality. Keeping your good and bad cholesterol levels in check is the main idea behind consuming a healthy diet rich in omega-3s as well as popping in a daily supplement.
Staying sharp and focused as well as keeping a strong memory is part of the omega-3 functionality. According to research, the fatty acids in omega-3s and within a healthy fat diet of lean fish as well as avocado can be detrimental in delaying the onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
B12 is an essential vitamin to consume in our latter years of life. It is supreme in keeping our brain functioning properly and blood flow. Additionally, B12 is also great for some of us that can no longer handle multiple cups of coffee without the acidity of the caffeine causing an upset stomach. If you consume B12 every morning then you’re more likely to also relish in the benefits of increased energy.
To assist with keeping a healthy magnesium level, which can assist with helping the absorption of calcium as well as provide essential functioning for controlling blood glucose and your heart, is not taking an additional supplement, but eating leafy greens. Most individuals can consume enough magnesium through their diet, but for those that don’t and/or are recommended by a physician to take a supplement this is also a viable option. Do note, though, that consuming too much magnesium can cause digestion issues including diarrhea.
Another great over-40-years-of-age vitamin that is vital to optimal health functionality is that of potassium. Many physicians recommend that potassium consumption is a definite occurrence for those suffering from high blood pressure. Most individuals consume enough potassium in their diet and won’t need to consume an additional supplement.
Potassium can be found in sweet potatoes, lentils and bananas, for example, and most individuals won’t need to add more. However, extremely high levels of potassium in your body can be dangerous, so always consult your doctor about your diet and extra supplements you may be consuming.
Lastly, as we age, our digestive systems tend to be a forgotten, yet of vital importance to keeping our entire bodies healthy. It’s important to eat yogurts and consume probiotics as we age, which can help with a number of ailments. For example, consuming a probiotic helps us maintain a healthy weight. Additionally, as we age, we begin to lose more muscle, which can be detrimental if, later in life, we fall.
Adding a probiotic to the mix helps keep muscle mass longer and can help us balance blood sugar levels as well. For those that may be more prone to diabetes and the combined heart disease then noshing on yogurt and dairy is great for your gut. If you suffer from a dairy intolerance, not to worry, as there are plenty of probiotics supplements that will get you where you need to be.
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