As we age, we find that foods we were once able to consume no longer help our bodies. Our bodies become sensitive to certain foods and we become more at risk for conditions such as irritable bowel disorder, Crohn’s disease, gatroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), heartburn, Celiac disease and more.
For example foods that are spicy containing chili peppers. If you’re eating chili peppers just before bedtime, you can likely expect a rough night of sleeping. Chili peppers have been linked to heartburn.
Additionally, while raw vegetables and fruits are considered a top candidate on the must-eat list to help your body consume much needed nutrients, they can actually cause your belly and intestines much pain. Raw fruits and vegetables contain insoluble fiber, which causes bloating, gas and cannot be processed as easily as soluble fiber. While insoluble fiber doesn’t breakdown to enter your bloodstream, it does add “bulk” to you
Switching from raw or refined sugars to artificial sweeteners may seem like a healthy move especially with the bad wrap that refined sugars receive alongside high fructose corn syrup. However if you’ve got a bubbly gut, then take a second look at the artificial sweetener you may be using in your daily life – such as in your coffee, tea or cereal. Many artificial sweeteners often contain an ingredient known as sugar alcohol, which leads to abdominal pain, bloating, inflammation, gas and diarrhea.
If you’re the type of person who enjoys an occasional cocktail, yet you often suffer from digestive issues, it might be what you’re drinking. Alcohol has been linked to heartburn, acid reflux and inflammation of the stomach lining. Alcohol has also been known, with too much consumption, to prevent your body from absorbing necessary nutrients, which can lead to a disruption in your body’s functionality overtime. Alcohol often also contains Candida and gluten. Candida is a living organism. It can also cause a leaky gut due to inflammation and dysbiosis, which is when there is too much bacteria in your system.
Also, try avoiding foods that contain grease such as fried French fries or greasy hamburgers. While it may be difficult to think that giving up that occasional splurge is worth it, grease and fried foods can cause so many issues for your digestive track. From heartburn and acid reflux to inability to digest your foods and cramping, diarrhea and upset stomach – grease is a main culprit in poor digestion. Our bodies have a difficult time digesting.
You will especially notice your digestion worsening if you eat a greasy meal quickly as the fats cannot be broken down and absorbed as easily as if you were to eat slowly. Although, you should speak to your gastroenterologist and consider removing this type of food from your diet entirely to avoid any future digestion problems.
Overtime, consuming dairy found in milk and cheeses can also become difficult to consume. The main enzyme known as lactase, which is responsible for breaking down the sugar that is contained in milk, is unable to break it down leading to lactose intolerance. Try consuming unsweetened almond milk or unsweetened coconut and cashew milk. It’s important to avoid the potential artificial sweeteners found in the sweetened versions of these alternative milks.
Unfortunately, even chocolate can cause your body much digestive grief. It’s definitely a no-no for those suffering from diabetes, but chocolate can lead to heartburn, loose stools including diarrhea and an upset stomach. A recent study found that the caffeine found in chocolate could induce stomach cramps and diarrhea. Additionally, chocolate often contains dairy milk, which goes back to the digestive issues found with consuming dairy.
Also, coffee or soda – basically any type of beverage that contains caffeine. Similar to alcohol, caffeine relaxes the esophageal sphincter that leads directly to acid reflux. When the esophageal sphincter relaxes too much, it opens up and allows stomach acids that are to be confined in the stomach to rise.
It’s always important to discuss your digestive issues with your doctor and a specialist. Additionally, keep a food journal if you’re unsure of your sudden onset of digestive issues, as this will help you and your doctor better diagnose your potential condition.
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