The state of California has adopted a law that makes vaccinations mandatory. It’s called SB277 and it requires people of all ages to submit to vaccination therapy.
We know that vaccines are often made using heavy metals like mercury and aluminum to stabilize them. We also know that vaccines use older strains of viruses to attempt to produce immunity. That’s why it’s called a “retrovirus.” Since viruses mutate each year, it defies reason to think last year’s strain will produce an immunity to this year’s strain.
We have also seen the enormous damage done by the aggressive use of these drugs on the very young especially. The MMR vaccine is a triple dose that is given to children under three years of age all at once. The secret vaccine court has paid out billions to the victims of vaccinations gone wrong. The fund they pay victims from is aggregated from fees that people who buy vaccines are forced to contribute.
Vaccines have been scientifically proven to cause side effects ranging from a rash to the total collapse of the immune system, cognitive dysfunction, sterility, cancer, paralysis, and death.
Knowing all of this, California is going to force you to take vaccines. What could be the purpose?
Bill Gates once said, “The world today has 6.8 billion people… that’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”
So, there is all of this well-known danger- and Bill Gates himself unabashedly suggested that vaccines could be used to reduce the global population. Let’s make this clear, there are only two ways to reduce a population; by killing people, or making them sterile. Even if you believe that the human population is a threat to the global ecology, that is murder.
Right now, California is on fire and the reason it is on fire is the gross mismanagement of the underbrush. The forest service should be conducting controlled burns and allowing small fires to occur naturally. Instead, they work to prevent small fires. The result is the build-up of flammable materials so that when a fire does happen, it becomes a great conflagration. This is not an accident. This has been going on for years. The science shows exactly what leaving flammable underbrush will do and it does it every year.
So the same government that willfully lets the countryside burn each year is now forcing California residents to get vaccines that can do enormous harm- drugs that Bill Gates himself says can help to reduce the population.
We have been told over and over that the risk of harm from a vaccine to a single recipient is one out of one million. Doesn’t that sound like a BS number? One in a million? That’s what a lie sounds like. If they had a real number, a real margin of safety, they would use it. If it was one in 502,800, they would say so exactly. But one in one million is what we keep hearing.
Even if that were the case, it would mean 400,000 people were being injured by vaccines each year. Isn’t that enough to stop the use of a dangerous drug?
In reality, the risk is much, much higher than one in a million. According to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), about 30,000 adverse reactions are reported each year. And only 10% of actual harm events from vaccines are ever reported. That adds up to an adverse reaction count of 30 million per year.
Now, vaccination activists are comparing this forced vaccination to Nazi medical experimentation and referring to the practice as illegal under the provisions of the Nuremberg Code. Because vaccines are clearly poorly understood and cause much more harm than expected they say- vaccines are experimental.
According to the Nuremberg Code, voluntary consent is required for any experimental medical intervention. It requires that death would occur if the experiment were not done. It requires that the patient can terminate the trial at any time. It requires that adequate facilities should be made available to the patient to guard against accidents arising from the testing.
Of course, none of these are the case with vaccine recipients. People are given shots and sent home. When adverse reactions arise, victims are plied with excuses and sent on their way.
When a practice causes damage, like California forest management, the war on drugs, and forced vaccinations- continued use constitutes a crime. When governments act this way, it is tyranny.