Since March 30, the Biden regime has issued three Do Not Travel advisories for American citizens. Those are in: Syria, where Biden is trying to start a war with Iran; Myanmar, which just went through a coup and is under military occupation; and Kenya — for some reason.
Oh, wait! There’s now a fourth country that Joe Biden’s crack team is saying Americans should not travel to, under any circumstances. That nation is… *checks notes*… Canada! Huh?!
What’s that about, eh?
It’s actually hard to tell, since the Biden White House now lies to the American people about every single thing possible. But the Biden-controlled Centers for Disease Control is saying, as of April 7th, that Americans should avoid ALL travel to Canada. So, if you thought that Joe Biden couldn’t possibly screw up BOTH of America’s contiguous borders with our two closest neighbors (who could be that incompetent?), you were wrong.
The CDC and the World Health Organization have listed Canada as a COVID “Level 4 Danger Zone.” That’s usually the level listing for tropical countries in Africa when they suffer an Ebola outbreak, but whatever.
The CDC says that it’s so dangerous in Canada right now, that even if you have been vaccinated for coronavirus, you are likely to catch one of several COVID variants floating around up there right now. Oh.
So… the CDC says that the coronavirus vaccines that Americans are taking right now, will not actually protect you against Canadian COVID. Good to know.
In other words, all of this hype about vaccine passports is completely worthless, because the coronavirus vaccines are going to end up as hit-or-miss as the annual flu shots Americans have been taking for a hundred years or so. Maybe it will protect people from some of the most common variants – each year – and maybe not. Instead of lockdowns, forced double masking, spiking child suicide rates and COVID passports, wouldn’t it make more sense, then, to just start treating this bug like the seasonal flu? Which it pretty much is?
The CDC also states, “If you must travel to Canada, get fully vaccinated before travel.”
Um… you mean, with the vaccine that the CDC just admitted doesn’t actually protect anyone from Canadian COVID? That vaccine? Got it!
Maybe the travel restriction from the CDC is related to COVID. Maybe.
But what if the Biden administration is lying about this, just as they lie about everything else? Canada, of all places, has recently imposed some of the most barbaric and repressive coronavirus restrictions in the world. If you fly into Canada right now and don’t have proof of a recent negative coronavirus test in your pocket, they’ll lock you up in an overcrowded hotel with other political prisoners for a forced two-week quarantine. Yep. That’s happening in Canada.
The hotels are dumps, according to people who have been blindfolded at the airport and hauled off for their two-week imprisonment. Tucker Carlson interviewed a guy who was locked up in one of these Canadian concentration camps this past week. He said it’s about a five-hour wait for food when you order room service. So, if you’re an imprisoned diabetic in Canada, you might want to plan ahead carefully for your meals to control your blood sugar.