Many women and men think nothing of dying their hair. It may be to cover up grey, bring back a color that was lost with age, or just to add some funky new shade. In a perfect world, you could dye your hair as often as you wanted with no fear of side effects.
Unfortunately, we live in a toxic world where most cosmetic products are very dangerous to your health. Hair dye is no exception. As a matter of fact, according to our research, hair dye is one of the most dangerous cosmetics on the market.
5 Reasons to Stop Dying Your Hair Now
If companies were truthful in their advertising campaigns, they’d call it “hair die” instead of hair dye. It may sound silly but this stuff can literally kill you.
Its deadly side effects include:
- Asthma
Millions of people already have upper respiratory allergies from pollen, mold, and chemicals. Studies have shown that those susceptible to lung inflammation will be at increase risk for the development of asthma when using commercial hair dye.
Persulfates are chemicals found in bleaching agents and hair dye and most commercial hair products contain a whopping 60% of them! Continued inhalation of persulfates can lead to persistent cough, throat discomfort, wheezing, lung inflammation, and full-blown asthma attacks.
Ammonia is another common contributor to asthma attacks when using hair dye. In high concentrations, it can easily exacerbate pre-existing breathing conditions.
- Severe Allergic Reaction
There are at least a dozen different chemicals in hair dye that can cause a severe allergic reaction. One young UK woman, Tabitha McCourt, 17, collapsed and died within 20 minutes of exposure to chemical hair dye. Though this is a more extreme reaction, allergic reactions to hair dye is more common than you might believe. It’s one of the reasons the instructions on the inside of the box advise you to do a “patch test” first.
The chemical P-phenylenediamine (or PPD) is used to ensure the color you use stays bright and shiny through several washings. However, it has also been shown to cause skin blistering, burning, and rash.
- Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma
Dying your hair can lead to the development of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is cancer of the lymph tissue. This cancer is often found in the lymph nodes, spleen, and bone marrow. As it spreads, it begins to affect immune system function and the body’s ability to fight infection.
According to data retrieved from the National Cancer Institute, 30% of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma cases are caused by regular use of commercial hair dye. 4-ABP is a hair dye byproduct that has also been proven to have carcinogenic effects. The byproduct is commonly found in blonde, red, and black hair dyes but may not be listed on the label.
- Breast Cancer
P-phenylenediamine (or PPD) not only causes severe allergic reaction, it can also lead to the development of breast cancer. According to studies, women who worked in the salon industry for 5 years or more showed a higher incidence of breast cancer.
Resorcinol is an endocrine-disrupting chemical that may also increase the risk of breast cancer by disrupting natural hormonal balance.
- Multiple Myeloma
Men who use hair dye every once in the while to cover up the grey may still be at risk for developing this cancer of the bone marrow. According to research, multiple myeloma risk was greatly increased in Caucasian males who used commercial dye products.
Natural Alternatives to Hair Dye
Now that you understand the risks you’re facing when you dye your hair, it doesn’t mean you’re just stuck with the color you have. You can still dye your hair safely using ingredients you can pick up at the grocery store!
If you once had naturally blonde hair and it’s beginning to fade due to age, you don’t have to use chemical hair dye to get it back. An infusion of chamomile tea can bring back those natural highlights without the risks.
To make a chamomile tea hair infusion:
- Boil a pot of water
- Remove from heat and place 8 chamomile tea bags inside
- Allow the tea to steep for 30 minutes
- In a large bowl mix one cup of plain organic yogurt, the strained tea, and a few drops of lavender oil
- Mix the concoction into clean, dry hair and massage from root to tip
- Put on a shower cap and keep it on for 30 minutes
- Gently wash your hair afterward to remove excess chamomile and allow it to air-dry
You can dye your hair brown or black by using coffee. Get a rich, dark, unflavored roast and brew an entire pot. Allow the coffee to cool and pour into a basin in the sink. Work the mixture thoroughly through your hair by pouring and massaging it in. Allow the mixture to set for 15 minutes. Step into the shower and rinse it off. Those with black hair may notice red or brown highlights.
You can add red highlights to any natural hair color with red hibiscus tea.
- Boil a pot of water
- Place 5 hibiscus tea bags into the water
- Steep and cool for 30 minutes
- Saturate clean, dry hair with the tea
- Leave on for 1 hour
- Rinse and shampoo as usual
Natural Hair Dye
There are many natural hair dyes on the market, but according to our research, the large majority of them also contain dangerous chemicals. Even if a product claims to be paraben free doesn’t mean there aren’t other carcinogens lurking in the mix.
The only natural hair dye brands we found were Henna, LightMountain and Aubrey Organics. Henna is 100% safe and chemical free. LightMountain is a plant-based hair dye that works to change hair color and cover grey. Aubrey Organics makes a dark brown hair color with no added chemicals.
Stop dying your hair with dangerous chemical products. Hair dying can be safe if you use the right ingredients. Always choose a completely organic or natural product when dying hair. You’ll get the color you want without the risk of horrible side effects.
****Recommended Research****
Cancer…Lymphoma…Asthma…I want bright, beautiful hair just as much as the next guy but I don’t want to die for it.
Science is just starting to revel how bad hair dye, shampoo and conditioners are for our bodies. The ingredients in the most commonly used products are filled with known carcinogens and dangerous chemicals.
I think that’s why there is such a big shift going on right now towards organic products. Organic products use only natural ingredients, no harsh sulfates or parabens that were chemically created.
The problem is that organic hair dye, shampoos and conditioners are really expensive. The most popular one on the market today goes for $30 for only a month long supply! That’s outrageous. Plus they put you on an automatic reorder that is so hard to cancel its easier to just cancel your credit card!
It’s ridiculous to pay a bunch of money for all-natural ingredients that you can get straight out of the garden. That’s why I’m so grateful I found Berry Hairy.
Berry Hairy is a complete guide to all natural hair care and revitalization. You’ll find over 250 recipes to create your own personalized hair care line. The book is stuffed full of concepts that will beautify your hair and restore it to its natural luster.
The great thing is that almost all of the recipes inside the book can be made with items you can find in your garden or at your grocery store! Plus most of them take 5 minutes or less to make.
Check out Berry Hairy to find out more about how to get sexy and healthy hair the all-natural way.