Over the past year or so, I’ve been noticing more and more commercials on TV advertising the re-emergence of a highly-contagious respiratory infection called pertussis (whooping cough).
In one of the commercials, an actress portrays a concerned mother holding her baby as the sounds of a child coughing and struggling to breathe play in the background. “Your baby could be this close to catching it” is the catch-phrase used. In another commercial, celebrity actress and performer, Jennifer Lopez, discusses a growing epidemic of pertussis outbreaks and what parents can do to “silence the sounds of pertussis”.
These commercials alternate between creating an environment of fear and guilt and using celebrity to sell their product. And that’s all the pertussis vaccine is; a product vaccine manufacturers make millions from. Recent reports have revealed that not only does the pertussis vaccine not prevent whopping cough, it has been proven to cause it!
Vaccine Refusal Damages the Status Quo
Due to a growing awareness of the devastating side effects associated with vaccines, more and more parents are opting out of vaccinating their children. Because of this, vaccine manufacturers like Sanofi Pasteur and GlaxoSmithKline are losing revenue. In the past year, false media reports have flooded the market, claiming that parents who refuse to vaccinate their children are solely responsible for the rash of recently deadly pertussis outbreaks.
Facts uncovered by Health Scams Exposed revealed that a recent Time Magazine article vilifying parents who do not vaccinate was written by an author with proven ties to two major vaccine manufacturers! By the CDC’s own admission, unvaccinated children are not the cause of the whopping cough outbreak. Furthermore, the average death rate reported by the CDC from 1992-2004 was a fractional .11%. That’s all.
Multiple Studies Reveal Vaccine Causes Pertussis
In Kings Country, Washington, it is estimated that 77% of the infants who contracted whooping cough were completely up-to-date with their vaccinations. Studies conducted of the pertussis outbreak in Marin County, California, determined that 81% of children under the age of 18 were also up-to-date on their vaccinations.
These alarming statistics even extend outside the country. Australia, for example, is a country that boasts a 95% pertussis vaccination rate since the year 2000. The result? It has had the largest outbreak of pertussis in the history of the whooping cough vaccine.
Vaccine May Make Your Child a Typhoid Mary
Even if your child does not end up contracting pertussis due to the vaccine, she may become a carrier; a type of whooping cough “Typhoid Mary”, so-to-speak. According to a published study, baboons vaccinated for whooping cough were shown to carry the infection in their throats and spread it to unvaccinated members of their group.
What Each Pertussis Vaccine Pumps into Your Child’s Body
The pertussis vaccine isn’t just one shot; it is a series of five shots called the DTaP, which covers diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus. Each of these shots delivers a high dose of 3 potent neurotoxins and carcinogens.
They include:
- Aluminum
Scientific studies have shown that chronic low-level exposure to aluminum alters membrane function of the blood-brain barrier, which can result in central nervous system disorders. Symptoms of CNS disorders include developmental delays, unusual reflexes or movements, mood changes, muscular tremors, seizures, and speech impairments.
- Formaldehyde
Formaldehyde is a common preservative found in vaccines and has been classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer as a probable human carcinogen. Studies showed that those who have worked in funeral homes and were frequently exposed to embalming fluid (formaldehyde) had a greater risk for the development of myeloid leukemia.
- Polysorbate 80
Polysorbate 80 acts as the delivery system for the ingredients in the vaccine to cross the blood-brain barrier. This agent has been linked to infertility and cancer.
Remember, the DTaP is 5 shots, which means 5 chances for these chemicals to have a permanent negative affect on the health of your child.
Prevent Whooping Cough Naturally at Home
We already know now that lack of vaccination isn’t causing the whooping cough epidemic, it’s the vaccination itself. However, there’s another layer that needs to be considered. Vaccinations have never been meant for children or adults with compromised immunity. Once upon a time, those who fell under that category were in the minority.
Now, millions suffer from some sort of immune system dysfunction, making them not only more susceptible to the development of disease but more likely to react negatively to vaccination.
To prevent whooping cough naturally, it’s important to eliminate foods that interfere with proper immune system function and address nutritional deficiencies with supplements.
- Eliminate Junk Foods
Highly-processed foods are not nourishing. They are food-like products designed to taste good, temporarily fill your empty stomach, and cause addiction. If your diet consists primarily of fast food, microwavable meals, canned food, candy, and diet soda, you’re leaving yourself vulnerable to the development of disease.
Boost your immune system by slowly weaning off these foods and investing in nourishing foods such as organic vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, beans, legumes, meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and healthy fats like coconut oil and butter.
- Introduce Probiotic-Rich Foods
A damaged gut often means a compromised immune system. A junk food diet, low probiotic count, and low stomach acid can all cause long-term digestive damage and subsequent immune system malfunction. That’s why it’s important to reseed your damaged gut with probiotic-rich foods such as organic yogurt and traditionally-fermented sauerkraut or vegetables.
- Address Nutritional Deficiencies with Supplements
A less-than-functional digestive system coupled with a poor diet can cause nutritional deficiencies that interfere with proper immune system function. Vitamin D deficiency is a common cause of lowered immune function. Most naturopathic physicians recommend 2,000-5,000 IUs to optimize low vitamin D levels. Talk with your doctor about getting your blood levels checked. Furthermore, a high-quality probiotic supplement can also help reseed your gut and strengthen your immune system.
Treat Whooping Cough Naturally at Home
If your child becomes sick with whooping cough, you can treat it naturally at home using the following natural remedies:
- Vitamin C
Vitamin C, in high oral doses, has been shown to significantly reduce the symptoms of pertussis in as little as 24 hours. Be sure the vitamin C you select is organic and non-GMO to ensure you’re not filling your child’s body with any unwanted toxins.
Dr. Suzanne Humphries of the International Medical Council on Vaccination recommends the following:
“Caretakers/parents can take a large dose (one tablespoon) of cod liver oil, and about 10 grams of vitamin C spread out over waking hours. Mix the sodium ascorbate (10 grams = 2 teaspoons) in whatever volume of water works best for you and split it into maybe 4 doses through the day. When I need a lot quickly, I just take it off the spoon and chase it with a swig of water.”
Doctor Humphries goes on to advise drinking plenty of water and to cut back on the dosage if it results in excessive diarrhea.
- Vitamin D
Vitamin D deficiency is the most common vitamin deficiency in the United States and Canada. It has developed largely due to lack of and fear of sunlight. According to the naturopathic approach, the average person needs 2,000-5,000 IUs of vitamin D3 each day to optimize their levels. The best way to tell if vitamin D deficiency is a problem for you is to get a blood test from your doctor.
- Organic Garlic
Organic garlic is a good source of the antibacterial compound, allicin, which helps fight off infection and boost your immune system. Chop up a few cloves of organic garlic to release the allicin and mix it in some raw honey. Spoon feed this to your child if he or she is over 1 year of age. If your child is younger and you are breastfeeding, you can ingest garlic yourself and your infant will reap the benefits as well.
More and more information on the dangers of vaccines are being revealed each year yet the vaccine schedule has more than tripled since 1980. It’s no small wonder we’re at a near-epidemic of autoimmune and neurological disorders. Your best defense against whopping cough and other virulent diseases is to keep your immune system strong so it can do what it’s designed to do; keep you healthy.
**Recommended Research**
It’s a scary thought, isn’t it? That you may be putting you and/or your child at risk by following doctor’s orders. Health care professionals are there to save our lives and make us better when we are sick, not the opposite.
Sadly, emerging research about the health and safety of vaccines is suggesting exactly that. What was once thought to prevent sickness and disease may actually be causing exactly that.
I don’t claim to know everything when it comes to deciding whether or not to vaccinate, but I do know that pharmaceutical and drug companies aren’t being 100% honest with us when it comes to the health and usefulness of vaccinations.
I read a letter by Tim O’Shea, an author and instructor in immunity, which gave me some cold hard facts about vaccinations. And I must say some of what I found out was chilling.
If you want to find out for yourself the dangers involved in vaccinations, I encourage you to read this letter. It could save your life!
Jessica Coffey
Publisher, Health Scams Exposed