In the early 1980s, the pharmaceutical industry managed to create drugs that effectively reduced cholesterol. They only had one problem- the public had no reason to believe they needed to reduce cholesterol.
At around the same time, researchers were beginning to correctly link refined sugars to heart disease. Together, the sugar lobby and big pharma began working overtime to demonize cholesterol. Today, we take drugs that rob us of vital cholesterol because we have been made to believe it is killing us. Statin drugs are killing more people than heart disease- and heart disease-related deaths are on the rise despite the increase in prescription rates for statin drugs and increasingly healthier lifestyles.
Cholesterol does so much to save, preserve, and strengthen life that you can hardly calculate its value. Cholesterol is produced by the body to protect the arterial system from micro tears and inflammation. When the cardiovascular system is compromised, cholesterol is produced by the body to patch damaged arteries, and without them- people can bleed to death internally. That is, in fact, one of the known side effects of statin drugs.
Cholesterol is a critical component of our nervous system. It makes and repairs the myelin sheath that coats the axons of nerve cells all throughout the nervous system including the spine and brain. The myelin sheath is a layer of fat that covers the cord that connects one neuron to another. It facilitates the rapid movement of electrical impulses along that line. Without the myelin, signals cannot move as quickly as we need them to in order to function properly. Another major known side effect of statin drugs is a rapid and early onset of Alzheimer’s disease.
Another important function of cholesterol is its contribution to the production of human growth hormones that we need in order to recover from daily stresses, recover from injuries, and heal from day to day wear and tear. As cholesterol levels drop, arthritis symptoms tend to emerge, knees and other joints begin to deteriorate, and connective tissues begin to lose their strength.
In fact, cholesterol is such a vital nutrient, that those who would demonize it had to allow the notion that some cholesterol is good. LDL cholesterol, we are told, is the bad kind that we should be afraid of, and HDL cholesterol is the good kind that transports the bad kind out of the body through the liver. It’s kind of like a “good cop/bad cop” story, and it’s selling.
The fact is that cholesterol is produced by your body as a defense against damage to the arteries; to regenerate ligaments, cartridge and other connective tissue; to maintain the connections between neurons, and so much more.
The real causes of heart disease are refined sugar, refined salt, and age. Cholesterol is there to help protect us from all three. Refined sugars damage tissues all throughout the body, and refined salt is like shards of glass running through our bloodstream.
When big pharma started crying wolf about cholesterol, doctors could see that elevated cholesterol levels in the arteries were occurring alongside the development of heart disease. But the cholesterol is not the cause- it is there to protect the heart and arteries from the damage done by simple carbohydrates and table salt.
If you want to protect yourself from the risk of heart disease you need to do four things; remove refined sugar from your diet, eat sea salt (not refined table salt), eat a healthy diet full of potent vegetables and lean meats, and exercise.
Sugars are poison. There’s no two ways about it. When our diets are rich in sugar, these simple carbohydrates cake up around the intracellular organelles that produce energy by burning fat. When this happens, we become hooked on sugar and cannot process fat as energy. Eating sugar is like fueling a high-performance engine on cheap unleaded gas.
Salt, real salt, is a vital nutrient. But you have to get it in its natural mineral-rich state. Fortunately, sea salt became popular a few years ago and is now widely available. Table salt is “refined,” which means they have taken all the vital minerals out of it and sold them to vitamin manufacturers.
If you’re not angry yet, you probably have a cholesterol deficiency. The bottom line is, we have been sold a bill of goods by big pharma and a host of industries looking to transform healthy people into revenue streams otherwise known as patients. It’s time to take back our health and hold our medical professionals accountable.
~ Health Scams Exposed