It’s no secret that Bill Gates has been one of the leaders in pushing COVID propaganda from the start, but now Gates is no longer even bothering trying to hide his agenda – making some seemingly bizarre claims during a recent speaking appearance. Gates was asked. “How confident are you that we, as a global […]
Tag Archives: covid-19
Analysis: Global Freedom and Democracy Score Drops to New “DISMAL” RECORD LOW Due to COVID-1984 Restrictions (The World Received a 5.28 Score Out of 10)
The Global Democracy Index, designed to showcase at a glance how nations fare in maintaining a free society, has recently scored the world for 2021 and the tally isn’t pretty. The planet hit a new low, scoring even lower than it did in 2020. The Index, which looks at each nation’s electoral process and pluralism, […]
International Criminal Grand Jury Investigation: ‘PSYCHOPATHIC’ Globalists Used CCP Virus to Commit ‘CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY’ (Calls for INDICTMENTS of Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, WHO Director General Ghebreyesus, Pfizer, BlackRock and MORE) (VIDEO), Johnson & Johnson Tried to BLOCK Publication of Story About SECRET PLAN to LIMIT Baby Powder Lawsuit PAYOUTS After It Was Causing CANCER; CONFIDENTIAL DOCUMENT: Pfizer Admitted That CCP Virus “Vaccine” ENHANCES the SEVERITY of COVID, MASKLESS Obama Meets With Architects Working on His NEW MULTI-MILLION DOLLAR HAWAII BEACHFRONT MANSION (PHOTOS)
The People’s Court of Public Opinion, founded to give voice to evidence regarding the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Virus that the mainstream media tends to either demonize or ignore, just finished its criminal grand jury investigation by recommending that half a dozen leading public figures be indicted for “crimes against humanity.” This, for the way […]

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