Cancer is a multi-billion dollar business, with hundreds of thousands of its victims lining up for dangerous chemotherapy and radiation treatments every day. What if there was a way to make the body kill off cancer cells without taking the patient with it? There is.
It’s called the Ketogenic Diet. Introduced by modern physicians in the 1920s as a treatment for epilepsy, the Ketogenic Diet mimics your body’s metabolism during fasting, which starves cancer cells while giving your body the proper nourishment it needs to heal.
Cancer Driven by Mitochondria Malfunction, Not Genetics
One of the most common misconceptions in modern medicine is that cancer is driven primarily by genetics. This is not the case. Scientific research has proven that when you transplant the nucleus of a cancer cell into a normal cell, those cells do not mutate and become cancer cells. They actually create normal tissue, which can develop into a completely healthy, cancer-free organism.
If tumor cells grew only in response to genetic driver cells, this simply wouldn’t be possible. New evidence is slowly emerging into the mainstream that proves mitochondrial malfunction, not genetics, is what’s fueling the alarming modern cancer epidemic.
Your mitochondria are the powerhouses of your cell. They act as a kind of “digestive system” within your cell, taking in nutrients from the food you eat, breaking them down, and creating energy; a process called cellular respiration. If your diet is healthy, your stress levels low, and your exposure to environmental toxins limited, your mitochondria function as they should.
If, however, in the case of a large majority of individuals, you eat a lot of junk food, breathe in and handle a lot of environmental toxins, and are exposed to an excessive amount of stress, the function of these powerhouses break down, leaving you vulnerable to the development of cancer.
One of the primary toxins in your food supply is sugar. Sugar leads to mitochondrial malfunction and feeds cancer cells as they develop within your body.
When you’re in a cancer state, you should not take in any sugar whatsoever.
The goal of the Ketogenic Diet is to re-teach your body how to burn fat for fuel, instead of sugar, thereby nourishing and energizing your healthy tissues while starving cancer.
Wait a Minute? What About Angelina Jolie?
Last year, there was a lot of buzz around the breast cancer gene, BRCA1. Yes, these mitochondrial disruptions are due to genetics. However, despite being attached to a celebrity, they are, in fact, quite rare. Even if you are a carrier of this specific cancer gene, it does not mean you are predestined for cancer!
This is the whole “If the eye offends thee, pluck it out” modern medical approach to treating just about anything. Instead of getting the body back in balance, we’ll just cut out the parts that may or may not cause a health problem somewhere down the line.
What this entire Angelina Jolie surgery (publicity stunt designed by Big Pharma) only succeeded in doing was frightening otherwise healthy young women with a genetic predisposition to one disease (everyone is genetically predisposed to many) into lobbing off their breasts and mutilating their reproductive organs.
This is truly barbaric and there is no need for it.
Just because you are genetically predisposed to getting a certain disease does not mean you will get it. Everyone creates cancer cells in their bodies each day. It’s happening with you right now as you read this. When you’re healthy, you don’t even notice, because your immune system destroys them before they even have a chance to get a foothold, so-to-speak.
It is those individuals who have genetic mutations, and an unbalanced immune system, and a very unhealthy diet, and toxin exposure, and excessive stress levels that are far more likely to succumb to a diagnosable form of cancer.
How the Ketogenic Diet Reverses Cancer and Chronic Disease
The Ketogenic Diet is a low-to-moderate protein, high fat, low carbohydrate diet designed to lower your blood sugar, encourage your metabolic system to burn fat for fuel, and starve cancer cells in the process.
This diet elevates ketone bodies within you, causing fat to continuously burn in the absence of food. When combined with moderate calorie restriction, your body will enter a metabolic state that is completely inhospitable to cancer cells due to its respiratory insufficiency.
Intermittent Fasting Helps You Burn Fat and Lose Weight
The Standard American Diet is made up primarily of empty calories and starchy carbohydrates. Because of this, carbohydrates have become the main fuel to burn. While this may give you enough energy to get through your day, this process slowly breaks your body down over time.
A high-carbohydrate empty-calorie diet has been linked with everything from autoimmune disease to metabolic disorder to, you guessed it, cancer.
The Ketogenic Diet completely eliminates the option of carbohydrates being burned as fuel because they are no longer an available source. When there are no carbohydrates stored in the muscles for energy, your body will then begin to burn fat.
To get into a ketogenic state, it is advisable to use “intermittent fasting” to prime your body for this change. To become a fat burner, you must remove high-carbohydrate foods from your diet and eat the foods listed below within a 6-8 hour window.
Fasting for 16-18 hours each day decreases glucose enzymes needed to break down sugar while increasing the enzymes necessary for fat burn. Within a short time, your addiction to glucose will disappear and your body will be in a ketogenic state.
How to Do the Ketogenic Diet
To start the Ketogenic Diet, do a water fast for 48-72 hours. If you feel you absolutely cannot do this, try a 24-hour water fast and then use intermittent fasting by only eating within that critical 6-8 hour window.
Foods to Eat:
- ·Grass-Fed Beef
- ·Pork (Bacon, Sausage)
- ·Poultry (Chicken, Turkey)
- ·Wild-Caught Fish
Just about every vegetable is acceptable to eat on the Ketogenic Diet, except for starchy vegetables that grow in the ground. This means, potatoes, parsnips, rutabagas, carrots, and the like, are off-limits. Eat plenty of dark, leafy green vegetables, broccoli, celery, onion, asparagus, avocado, snow peas, pepper, lettuce, pickles, etc. Organic, whenever possible.
Fruit is generally not allowed on the Ketogenic Diet because of its high glucose content. However, some Ketogenic Diet experts say that sticking to low-carb fruits is acceptable so long as they are eaten in moderation.
These fruits include:
- ·Watermelon
- ·Kiwi
- ·Cranberries
- ·Apricots
- ·Blackberries
- ·Avocado
- ·Grapefruit (unsafe with certain medications)
Nuts are filled with nourishing protein and are allowed on the Ketogenic Diet. Avoid peanuts and peanut butter as they are a legume and not allowed on this diet.
- ·Macadamia Nuts
- ·Walnuts
- ·Almonds
- ·Nut Butters
Fats & Dairy
Here’s where the Ketogenic Diet gets a little fun. Consumption of fat is not only allowed but encouraged!
Acceptable Keto fats include:
- ·Coconut Oil
- ·Butter
- ·Beef Tallow
- ·Mayonnaise (organic is best)
- ·Olive Oil
- ·Nut Butters (avoid peanut)
- ·Heavy Whipping Cream
- ·Hard/Soft Cheeses
- ·Sour Cream
- ·Cottage Cheese
Water, coffee, and tea are the only drinks allowed on the Ketogenic Diet. Despite what you may have read elsewhere, diet soft drinks are a no-no. They are filled with empty calories and fake sugar that feeds cancer cells and disrupts your ability to achieve a ketogenic state.
The only sweetener acceptable on the Ketogenic Diet is Stevia and it is best used in liquid form.
You may wonder how you can possibly survive a Ketogenic Diet with apparently no options for dessert but, if you get creative, you can still satisfy your sweet tooth. Try using heavy whipping cream, Stevia, and organic vanilla extract to make an excellent Keto-friendly topping for blackberries. Yum!
Expect Adjustments During the Ketogenic Diet
During the first 7-14 days of the Ketogenic Diet, you’ll probably find that your energy levels drop, your moods swing, and you feel tired. This is because your body is re-adjusting to burning fat instead of sugar. This is normal and temporary and it takes approximately 10-30 days to reach an optimum ketogenic state.
Under a typical glycolytic metabolism, fat is there only as a backup energy source. When your body reaches a state of ketosis, fat will become its go-to option and you will find yourself in a state of increased energy and good health.
Ketogenic Diet Contraindications
If you have a metabolic disorder of any kind, it is advisable to talk with your physician before starting a Ketogenic Diet. Furthermore, this diet could lead to nutritional deficiencies when not followed correctly. Invest in a high-quality whole-food nutritional supplement to offset this possibility as you make the transition.
If you have a history of cancer in your family, have been told you have a genetic mutation that predisposes you to cancer or you have cancer right now, try the Ketogenic Diet. It has been clinically-proven to starve cancer cells while putting your body into a healthier, more balanced state.
*****Recommended Research*****
Amazing Non-Toxic Liquid Kills Cancer Cells
In today’s, article we covered how Ketogenic diets can help fight cancer. However there are many natural, safe cures that can be just as effective.
One such remedy is an amazing non-toxic liquid that has been proven to kill cancer cells.
“If I could pick only one treatment to cure my cancer, this would be it,” says a top expert on alternative cancer treatments. It’s one of the world’s most powerful cancer cures, according to studies conducted by a scientist at the Detroit Institute of Cancer Research. And you can do it yourself, at home, without a prescription!
Even the mainstream National Cancer Institute has confirmed this treatment’s ability to kill cancer cells. As far as I’m concerned, the real-life experiences of scores of patients are even more impressive.
A 54-year-old terminal patient named Robert totally got rid of his cancer in six months. Another patient named Arch was told he had only a 15% chance to live. He’s still alive three years later with “no evidence of cancer in repeated CAT scans.”
No cancer treatment works for everybody – I always feel obliged to remind people. But this is one everybody should know about and check out.
To Your Health,
Jessica Coffey
Publisher – Health Scams Exposed