The human brain and body is a supremely complex and sophisticated mechanism. The human brain alone is recognized as the most complex object in the known universe. What’s more, science is rapidly discovering what mystics have understood for millennia- that the mind is not the whole of our being and that our bodies contain much of what makes us who we are.
Insights like these have led humans to discover much about our health that science had gotten wrong over the past 200 years. The downside is we have learned that in order to obtain optimal health, we must consume a staggering array of different types of nutrients—some of which are rather difficult to come by.
The good news is we have also discovered a number of so-called super foods which contain massive doses of otherwise rare and vital nutrients. While any of these foods are a good addition to our diets, some of these special foods work best with the body when eaten at certain times of the day or at specific points in our sleep/wake cycle.
One such superfood is actually a two ingredient recipe, that when mixed together and taken just before bed can help tremendously with sleep—both falling asleep and staying asleep. The mixture starts off a chain reaction within the body that triggers the release of several sleep hormones.
Check out what simple recipe can do all this and how it works in the video below.