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MASSIVE 145-COUNTRY Study Shows SHARP INCREASE of TRANSMISSION and DEATH After Introduction of CCP Virus “Vaccines”

A shocking new study, which looked at data collected from across the globe, showed that since the wu-flu vax has been rolled out, covid cases have risen by 38% per million and even more alarmingly – deaths per million have increased 31%. 

For those who have been following this Plandemic from the beginning, the results may be unsurprising. 

The 99 page study, called “Worldwide Bayesian Causal Impact Analysis of Vaccine Administration on Deaths and Cases Associated with COVID-19: A BigData Analysis of 145 Countries” found that nearly 90% of 145 countries experienced increased cases and deaths after the vax had been made available to the public. 

The study states: 

“Results indicate that the treatment (vaccine administration) has a strong and statistically significant propensity to causally increase the values in either y1 [variable chosen for deaths per million] or y2 [variable chosen for cases per million] over and above what would have been expected with no treatment. 

y1 showed an increase/decrease ratio of (+115/-13), which means 89.84% of statistically significant countries showed an increase in total deaths per million associated with COVID-19 due directly to the causal impact of treatment initiation [vaccines]. 

y2 showed an increase/decrease ratio of (+105/-16) which means 86.78% of statistically significant countries showed an increase in total cases per million of COVID-19 due directly to the causal impact of treatment initiation.”

Researchers compared pre and post treatment by analyzing publicly available data on covid-19, to see the difference between before the vaccine roll out and after. 

They eliminated those countries who had incomplete data or low vax rates – which in total amounted to 145 countries they studied closely. 

The study found that those countries who got through 2020 relatively unscathed – fared the worst in 2021 after the introduction of the vax. 

The study continued: 

“Countries with few COVID-19 deaths in the year 2020 appear to have fared the worst of all countries after vaccine administration (e.g Thailand, Vietnam, Mongolia, Taiwan, Seychelles, Cambodia, etc.). 

The causal impact results from vaccine administration seen in these countries [is] hundreds or thousands of percentage increases in total deaths and cases per million. 

we can be most statistically confident in due to the direct increase of COVID-19 associated deaths and cases after vaccine administration, where prior to vaccine administration there were few or none.” 

In their conclusion, the study stated: 

“The statistically significant and overwhelmingly positive causal impact after vaccine deployment on the dependent variables total deaths and total cases per million should be highly worrisome for policy makers. They indicate a marked increase in both COVID-19 related cases and death due directly to a vaccine deployment that was originally sold to the public as the ‘key to gain back our freedoms. ‘The effect of vaccines on total cases per million and its low positive association with total vaccinations per hundred signifies a limited impact of vaccines on lowering COVID-19 associated cases. 

These results should encourage local policy makers to make policy decisions based on data, not narrative, and based on local conditions, not global or national mandates. These results should also encourage policy makers to begin looking for other avenues out of the pandemic aside from mass vaccination campaigns.” 

Except, we all know what the end goal is, and it has nothing to do with “keeping us safe.”

The globalists are now operational in their attempts to kill off almost the entire world population and it doesn’t look like that is going to slow down any time soon unless we do something about it.

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5 thoughts on “MASSIVE 145-COUNTRY Study Shows SHARP INCREASE of TRANSMISSION and DEATH After Introduction of CCP Virus “Vaccines”

  1. Depopulation is what is being called for! Fauci, Biden, Gates, Zuckerberg, et al should be tried for war crimes at the Haga! Fauci first because he has had drugs that would have stopped or slowed the Covid and would not use them or let them be tested, also had drugs in the 80′ that would have slowed the Aids virus but here again he dd the same thing! How many have to die to feed his ego – he loves the spotlight and just do as i tell you don’t ask any questions just do it! It all about money and his ties to big pharma and he has them! You get a jab and Fauci gets money! Get Kennedy’s book – if after a few pages you do see what he is doing and has done – be
    sure to let us all know! If one tenth of the book is true we
    are doomed if Fauci is not tried as a war criminal!

  2. One can only deduce, with the 145 country study is, killing people is really the main end-goal.
    We have an administration that continues to push these “killer shots” which with the truth from 145 countries coming in, again we can only deduce, the end-goal of this administration is to kill people.
    Do you think that if an administration can support the wholesale killing of babies through abortion that they would give a damn about killing you?
    The unvaccinated may very well come out better than the vaccinated. The truth is coming to light.

  3. There are persons operating behind the scenes of this global murder spree. Klaus Scwab is the number one person that comes to mind. Pure evil Davos trash!

  4. I have said all along that there is something wrong with the vaccines. Why doesn’t the vaccine makers tell us what is in them? Because they KNOW they are kill shots! This is Gates’ , fauci’s , soros’ plan To kill off millions world wide! We have to fight these mandates Biden is making, know your patient rights, and DO NOT give up your freedom!

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