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LGBTQ Demands “Vagina” be Renamed to “Front Hole”

Those radical left-wing progressive liberal activists say the darnedest things. By now, it shouldn’t be a surprise to learn that there are folks out there who want to control your language. They seem to believe that the world can be completely nerfed over if only everyone ceased to say anything that makes anyone feel uncomfortable. Ever.

Apparently, and no- this is not sourced from The Onion- will no longer be using the word “vagina” to describe a woman or girl’s genitalia. Instead, they will be using the term “front hole.”

Why not “forward scuttlebutt” or “compact variant wizz displacement device?” At least have some fun while you’re being insane.

As the reasoning goes, it could be the case that a person was born with the kind of pants package that would get … Zur … misgendered by their doctor as a male. Should such a person come to believe that Zshi is actually a woman, then Xem would begin to feel sad and go eat a gallon of ice cream.

Clearly, this situation must be averted.

So Healthline decided that the word “vagina” was too ‘exclusive.’ That is to say, a man who has a vagina would have Zurs feelings zurt if Zey were… good Lord, is this really the world we live in?

Healthline had this to say about their new front hole policy:

“[W]e’ll refer to the vagina as the “front hole” instead of solely using the medical term “vagina.” This is gender-inclusive language that’s considerate of the fact that some trans people don’t identify with the labels the medical community attaches to their genitals.”

This is, objectively speaking, a step too far. There is already a trans stance on situations like this. They say some men have vaginas. As far as we can tell, that pretty much covers it. You don’t need to go any further than that.

This, in our opinion, is where this kind of thing becomes scary. They always take it a step further. There is no such thing as enough. When the liberals started pushing for marriage equality for gays, most reasonable people didn’t have a problem with it. But then they started taking too far, asking for mixamatory bathrooms and trying to normalize pedophilia and bestiality. They’ve also been aggressively pushing for transsexual education for elementary school children.

Since then, they seem to be pushing not for trans rights so much but for the curtailment of respect for heterosexuals. That’s not a rainbow. It’s a painbow.

Now, we wouldn’t want to say that if consenting adults get together and want to do some silly stuff in each other’s pants, that they should lose their God-given freedoms. But what we do say is, don’t try to make us feel bad for not using your made up words.

Do you remember when the word “oriental” became verboten? In England, they still use the word to describe anything originating in Japan, Korea, or China. That’s because to them, “Asian” means Middle Eastern.

There’s nothing hateful or bigoted about the word oriental, just as there is nothing wrong with the word “occidental.”

But there’s no need to get conspiratorial about it. This is the natural inclination of people who do not believe that discomfort is an essential and important part of life and learning. It is the child’s view- that the world should conform to the person- rather than that the person should adapt to the world.

It is the refusal to embrace the one thing that makes us human- the ability of our sophisticated neurology to adapt to external environments which are beyond our control. This artificial language doctoring is maladaptive and will lead straight down a thorny path to extremes of mental illness.

~ Health Scams Exposed

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