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Key Medical Supplies You Must Stock Up on Now

When you think of security, what comes to mind? For some, it’s financial, savings, income, and the like. For others, it’s community, connection to people- and for others still it’s shelter, safety in the home and such what.

For a growing number of people, it’s the ability to survive a disaster. The disaster could come in the form of a flood, storm, a war, a famine, major earthquake or what have you. These are the preppers. Preppers are often derided as paranoid zombie apocalypse fanboys. But the more mature among them have hit on an important aspect of security- the ability to endure the physical and medical hardships that come with a major disruption of our society.

Right now, the east coast is recovering from flooding due to Hurricane Florence, and the storm season still has 2.5 months to go. Events like these make it clear that we each need a contingency plan.

Here are five important types of medical supplies you should stock up on before the shtf.

Antibiotics: While modern conveniences have eroded our respect for infection, if you’re stuck in a long-term survival situation- not having some basic anti-infection gear is a big problem. You’ll want to have long-term supplies you can count on. Products like rubbing alcohol and hydrogen peroxide have a basically unlimited shelf life.

But, if you’re willing to watch expiration dates and refresh your stock- items like oregano oil are exceedingly effective against topical infections. Leftover prescription antibiotics are also a great asset for your survival supply, but they can be hard to keep in stock. Consider elderberry syrup, which is a powerful immune booster.

Pain Killers: Ordinarily, things like Tylenol, aspirin, and especially the more powerful painkillers are exceedingly bad for your health. But if you’re in a life or death situation, being in pain can prevent you from executing life-saving tasks effectively. If you’re afraid for your life, uncomfortable, and have to walk through ten miles of snow- the pain of an injury could be a death sentence.

Stock up on pain meds, burn gel, and aloe vera. Believe it or not, in dire emergencies, liquor can be a real life saver. A bottle of whiskey can ameliorate physical and emotional pain, and it can also tackle infections. But please, survive responsibly.

Bandaging: Possibly the single most important part of any survival pack is bandaging. You want to be able to firmly and securely cover wounds to protect them from further damage and infection. You will need splinting to shore up broken bones. And you will want plenty of strong, elastic bandages so that you can cut off the supply of blood to open wounds.

Just as important as having all these things is knowing how to use them. Take a first aid course and learn how to apply all kinds of bandages. While you’re at it, take CPR lessons as well. These are skills that everyone over the age of 12 should possess.

Pest Repellent: Never mind lions, tigers, and bears. When you’re fighting for your life against the natural elements the most dangerous creatures you will encounter are pests. Mosquitoes, ticks, rodents, snakes, venomous spiders, wasps, wheel bugs, and the like are a constant hazard. For this reason, it’s necessary to have bug repellent. Ideally, you should avoid the ones with permethrin and DEET since these are known carcinogens.

Citronella is a good choice. However, the more toxic, over the counter items have long shelf lives are especially strong. In a short-term (a few days to a few weeks) survival situation, you can probably justify using the stronger chemical options. Just don’t continue using them for years and years after you are secure again.

Food & Water Security: Finally, it is a good idea to stock up on canned food, dehydrated food, and other survival oriented sources of sustenance. But what do you do when your food supply runs out? If you have to travel to safety on foot, your food supply will have to be pretty light. That’s why you should bring items that will enable you to obtain food in the wild. Consider a slingshot to take small game with, a fishing pole, a field guide for edible flora, and fire starting gear. Bic lighters are way better than you might think!

If you enjoy camping, you’ll find that practicing your survival skills is not only a great way to protect yourself and your family, but it’s also a wonderful hobby. So think ahead, solve problems before they arise, and have a good time.

~ Health Scams Exposed

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