A big part of staying healthy and avoiding problems that land you at the doctor’s office or worse is detoxifying the body. There are an enormous amount of toxic substances that our bodies have to fight off and cope with on a daily basis.
There is, of course, pollution in the air as the result of industry and automobiles. There are fluoride and other chlorine products in the water. The foods we eat are chock full of preservatives that wreak havoc on our systems. One of the worst is table salt, which has been stripped of its natural goodness and had its vitamin content sold to supplement manufacturers.
All of this is in addition to the undesirable materials that are naturally a part of the foods we eat every day. Even people who have the cleanest, most vitamin-rich diets still have to eliminate waste- and that is a tough job for the body. Our immune and lower digestive systems exert a great deal of energy and effort in order to push out and remove all of the substances in our foods that cannot be productively metabolized.
Not to be crude, but fecal matter, in particular, is especially toxic. The contact our colons make with it does expose us to a measurable amount of danger. The more stressed our colons are, the more likely it is that the material they deal with can permeate the organ and compromise our health.
Here’s Natural Cures, with some great tips on reducing the burden on our lower bowels.