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Heavy Metals Known to Cause Autism are Still in Vaccines

The science is in and it doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone familiar with the subject of vaccinations and autism. According to a new study published in the journal Biological Trace Element Research, the levels of heavy metals like thallium, lead, cadmium, tin, and mercury are 41% higher in blood samples taken from children with autism compared to children who do not have autism.

It was a small study, looking at only 55 autistic children all between the ages of 5 and 16 years and compared their blood samples to the blood samples of children who did not have autism. The researchers found that the autism group had 115% higher tin levels, 77% higher thallium levels, and 44% higher levels of tungsten than the non-autism group.

Though the study dealt with only a small number of subjects, the results are significant. The fact that every autistic child had almost 50% more heavy metal parts per million in the blood stream than neuro-typical children speaks volumes. However, because of the small size of the study groups, the results of this research will likely be disregarded by the scientific community.

But the leader of the study, James Adams said, this is not the first time that metals like thallium, lead, and tin have been found to hinder and impair the development and function of the brain and other organs. Methodical studies on the harmful effects of heavy metals date back to the middle 1800s and have been known for thousands of years.

Adams and his team carried out a statistical study designed to determine whether or not the heavy metals found in the blood streams of the autistic children were a causal factor for autism. The team looked at three different autism scales and found that between 38% and 47% of the disease severity variation bore a strong correlation to the levels of toxic metals found in the blood samples. The researchers noted that metals commonly used as stabilizers for vaccines like cadmium and mercury were well known for their high neurotoxicity and have strong correlations to autism.

The team released the following statement to the magazine, Science daily; “We hypothesize that reducing early exposure to toxic metals may help ameliorate symptoms of autism, and treatment to remove toxic metals may reduce symptoms of autism; these hypotheses need further exploration, as there is a growing body of research to support it.”

This should be just another nail in the coffin for what has become standard methods of prolonging the shelf life of vaccines using heavy metals. And it should also give the medical community great pause when it comes to the aggressive schedules of use they have been insisting on. But it is likely that this research will be swept under the rug by the medical community and ignored by the media.

We know that vaccine manufacturers have powerful protection among law makers and have been guarded against lawsuits by the general public since the early 1980s. What’s more, in the recent Golden Globes escapade, presenters made a very creepy display of giving flu vaccines to people on the audience floor. This strange propaganda coincides with the recent approval by the FDA of a new vaccine combination that contains 6 retroviruses- almost double the amount of toxins as the already notorious MMR, which has only three.

Approval for the “Hex-Shot” has been in the works over a decade and has finally been rammed through despite the clear danger to children that early reviews of the shot revealed.

Sallie Bernard, the president of the nonprofit SafeMinds, says, “The rapid increase in autism cannot be explained solely by changes in diagnostic practices and awareness. We must look at what babies and pregnant women are being exposed to that has created this epidemic and take immediate steps to protect our children from these hazardous substances… While we wait for the government to act, the public can take steps to limit their exposures to toxicants which can alter fetal and infant development leading to developmental disabilities like autism. The public can refuse vaccines made with mercury, can make choices for their child’s vaccine schedule, and can create homes that are largely mercury-free.”

Unfortunately, the government, the manufacturers of these dangerous products, the public education system, and even the entertainment industry all appear to have an abiding interest in pushing heavy metal-laden drugs on the public. It is a tyranny of enforced poisoning, and those who need our protection the most- the children- have the least ability to resist.

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