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Epigenetics Proves Cancer is Not Mysterious or Inevitable

When you’ve done the type of research I have for nearly a decade, the world looks a bit different to you. Commercials featuring attractive, happy actors living life to the fullest while a soothing, hypnotic voice urges you to “talk with your doctor” about such-and-such a drug look a bit sinister. Breast cancer awareness month and companies who urge you to “walk for the cure” for this mysterious disease do as well.

This is because mainstream medicine and the media would have you believe drugs and surgery are your only option when you get sick. They also seem to want you to believe that cancer is some evil entity that slinks out from under your bed at night to invade your body and the only thing you can do about it is take poison and join a ribbon campaign.

Am I the only one who thinks this approach comes off almost like an ancient, superstitious ritual? Perhaps. Either way, cancer is not mysterious or inevitable and the science of epigenetics proves it.

The Twin Sister You Never Knew You Had

Imagine you were born a twin. During your first night in the hospital, your twin sister was kidnapped. Your parents raised you as an only child, never revealing their loss. On your 50th birthday, you receive a phone call from your long-lost sibling. When you meet, you’re both shocked at the differences between you.

You were brought up in a healthy, loss-stress environment with plenty of access to nourishing food, fresh air, and opportunity. Your sister was not so fortunate. She explained she grew up in poverty in the most polluted city in the country. She was raised on canned, frozen, and fast food and was never fed anything green that wasn’t food coloring. Now, she’s a hard-core 3-pack-a-day smoker with a history of alcoholism and substance abuse.

Epigenetics Explains Heredity, Environment, and Chronic Disease

Both you and your hypothetical twin have identical genomes (your complete hereditary information) but you don’t have the same epigenetics. The word “epigenetics” literally means above genetics. Epigenetics doesn’t change your DNA, rather it decides which genes are expressed and how much.

You can think of your genome (hereditary information) as a computer and the epigenome as the software that gives that computer instructions. It is the epigenetic tags that decide which parts of your genetic code will be expressed or not.

Epigenetics works by the function of methyl groups and histones:

  • Methyl Groups

Methyl groups are compounds made from carbon and hydrogen that give your DNA instructions. They bind to your genes and tell them whether or not to express a certain type of trait or characteristic. Methyl groups bind differently based on what type of cell it is bound to. In other words, they “know” whether or not they are expressing a liver cell or skin cell, for example.

  • Histones

Histones are the proteins your DNA winds itself around. Histones that are loosely-wound express more traits while tightly-wound histones express less.

Your epigenomes receive the information it will relay to your genomes through your environment. This means the amount of pollution you’re exposed to, the food you eat, how much stress you experience, how much rest you get, whether or not you smoke, and how much alcohol you consume.

Let’s go back to you and your twin. You both have the same genetics but different epigenetics. Think of it as a paragraph with the same letters in the same order but with punctuation that make the message look quite different.


Your Paragraph:

Hello. My name is Sandy and I just found out I have a twin sister. I’m so glad we found each other but I just can’t believe how different we look and act. Funny, we both married men named John and have pet Golden Retrievers but the state of our health is definitely not identical.

Her Paragraph:

Hello. My name is Sandy? and I just found out I have a TWIN sister. Imso’ glad we found eachother but I just can’t BeliEve how DIFFErENT we look and act Funny. we both, married men named John and have pet golden rEtrievers butthestat eof our healt his definitelY not identical.

Which one is easiest to read and make sense of? The first one, of course. Science has proven that methyl groups can become confused by a toxic environment. This means they are no longer able to distinguish between one type of cell and another and they begin to make mistakes.

Over time, this results in the development of chronic conditions, including autoimmune disease and cancer.

Your Grandfather’s Lifestyle Affects Your Health Today

Scientific studies have proven that epigenetics doesn’t just affect one generation but can be passed down to children and grandchildren. If your grandfather ate a terrible diet, smoked like a chimney, drank like a fish, and worked in a coal mine, the health problems you’re experiencing today could be the result of the mistakes his methyl groups made in response to his environment back then.

This also means that your current lifestyle and health can affect the children you have now or plan to have in the near future.

You Have More Control Over Disease Than You Think

Epigenetics can be a bit confusing to understand but if you only take one thing away from this article today, take this: You have more control over whether or not you develop a disease than you’ve been lead to believe.

The diet you eat, the stress you experience, and the amount of synthetic toxins you’re exposed to have a profound impact on not only your health but that of the next generation. A healthy diet and natural remedies aren’t just “airy fairy mumbo jumbo” (although big pharmaceutical companies would love to keep you convinced of that). Science has proven that your environment has a direct impact on your DNA.

This means you have a choice. Right here, right now. You can make a change. You can slowly wean off processed food, eliminate synthetic toxins, exercise more, sleep better, and reduce your stress levels so you can heal and prevent chronic disease.

Don’t let anyone convince you that a half-life pumped full of drugs and bad food is any way to live. You have the power to transform your life. Use it.

*****Recommended Research*****

Curing and Preventing Cancer with Simple Lifestyle and Dietary Changes

Mainstream medicine wants us to believe that some of us are genetically predisposed to get cancer at some point in our lifetime. That it’s almost inevitable. Well, that’s not entirely true. What they’ve done is tell us half-truths that have convinced us there is nothing you can do to stop the deadly disease.

The truth is that some people get cancer and some don’t because of the way our genes react to environmental and dietary influences. Some people’s bodies react more negatively to the food we eat. Processed foods…lower nutritional content in food…vitamin deficiencies…junk food…all of these things influence who gets cancer and who doesn’t.

Cancer thrives on the horrible ingredients that go into these foods. These foods alone don’t cause cancer. No. In part cancer also forms because of the things that are NOT in the foods we eat and therefore not in our bodies.

Have you ever heard the term “miracle food?” There is a medical protocol out there that uses this miracle food to eradicate cancer from the body. In fact a medical researcher was nominated seven times for his discovery of this food’s miraculous abilities.

This “miracle food” puts what’s missing back into your body. It reacts with the cancer cells in a way that kills them, all while feeding your body. Find out more about how to kill cancer with food by clicking here.

To Your Health,

Jessica Coffey

Publisher – Health Scams Exposed








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