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Chuck Norris Sues 11 Big Pharma Companies for Poisoning His Wife

Action star Chuck Norris has been the subject of popular Internet memes which comically exaggerate his ability to crush evil with his cowboy boot clad karate kicks. With the cadence of “Yo Mamma” jokes, the memesters make comments like, “Chuck Norris doesn’t fight, he just allows you to lose,” and “Abe Lincoln may have freed the slaves, but Chuck Norris is everyone’s master.” But today, Norris is in a real legal fight with 11 Big Pharma corporations, and victory is no foregone conclusion.

Norris and his wife, Gena Norris, are locked in a legal combat with nearly a dozen different pharmaceutical corporations. The Norris’ complaint is that pharmaceutical products have destroyed Mrs. Norris’ health. She says she now struggles with extreme chronic exhaustion, weakness and generalized pain after being subjected to a series of MRI scans in 2013. The MRI scans were done in an attempt to assess Mrs. Norris’ rheumatoid arthritis.

The Norris’ believe that she now suffers from Gadolinium Deposition Disease, a disorder caused by gadolinium dye used to aid the generation of visualizations usable by MRI scanners.

Gadolinium is a heavy metal, usually described as a dye. When taken by MRI subjects, it defuses in the body. When an MRI machine irradiates a patient whose body is permeated with gadolinium, the metal reflects the radiation back at the scanner to create a clear image of tumors and bodily structures.

The manufacturers of gadolinium dye claim that it is flushed from the body quickly. But we know that other heavy metals like aluminum and mercury, do not just flush out of the body. These substances stay inside the circulatory and digestive systems for years—possibly for the remainder of a person’s life. These metals are known to cause all manner of health complications from dementia to cancer, heart disease, and autism—just to name a few.

Independent researchers have conducted studies that contradict the claims of gadolinium manufacturers. These studies appear to show that the heavy metal dye stays in the skin, bones, and brains of patients for long periods of time. The FDA and the medical establishment claim that the life-saving information provided by MRI scans is indispensable, and that without gadolinium these scanners are useless.

Gadolinium is a rare earth element that is found in the crust of the planet and is used in the creation of numerous technological gadgets like computer hard drives, powerful magnets, and shielding for nuclear reactors.

The new research, on which the Norris family is resting their case, shows that gadolinium is dangerous. But existing science already shows this. The substance has long been known to be harmful to mammals. It causes inflammation, oxidative stress, neurological harm, and can even damage DNA.

Because gadolinium is so toxic, it has to be combined with a substance known as chelaton when it is injected into patients for MRI scans. Chelaton is said to remedy the harmful effects of gadolinium and make it easier for the body to eliminate it from the system.

The patient is counting on two things to protect them from long-term gadolinium poisoning. They are counting on the chelaton completely protecting them from the poisonous gadolinium. They are also counting on good kidney function to eliminate the heavy metal.

In cases where the chelaton fails to fully encase the gadolinium, poisoning can occur. And in patients where kidney function is even partially impaired, elimination will not be complete. The result in either one of these cases is extreme long-term toxicity and almost certain chronic, harmful effects.

For those who are given gadolinium and are failed by both their kidney function and the chelaton encasement, the consequences can be grim. The most common results of a two-fold gadolinium failure of this kind are, chronic exhaustion, weakness and generalized pain.

These are some of the established facts about the dangers of gadolinium. But the new research is also showing that even patients who have good kidney function can still suffer long-term toxicity from the treatment.

The FDA has been presented with data that proves gadolinium is associated with more than 12,000 different side effects ranging from minor to severe. Some of the most common side effects are, swelling of the face or tongue, difficulty breathing, rash, confusion, seizure, confusion, mood changes, coma, urinary problems, increased thirst, and generalized swelling.

There has been a great deal of effort made to hide these facts from the public. But if the Chuck Norris’ Kung Fu is truly the best- they may win a victory for all of us.

~ Health Scams Exposed

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