Chemotherapy Found to Spread Cancer throughout Body, Scientists Warn

We’ve talked before about the horrific side effects of chemotherapy and the fact that it was developed from findings resulting from a chemical weapons accident in World War II. We’ve also talked extensively about the growing body of evidence that safe alternatives are available which appear to be much more effective against cancer than chemotherapy.

We’ve used moderate language describing the harms that chemotherapy does, it’s suspicious origins, and the deceptive nature of the establishment narrative on the subject. But the time for genteel debate club tactics is over. The fact is, chemotherapy is a poison- and the harms it does are not side effects- they are effects. One of these so-called “side effects,” is cancer.

It shouldn’t be a surprise. While conventional medicine has an all but complete monopoly on the treatment of cancer, it maintains an abysmally low rate of positive outcomes.

When a tumor is exposed to the substances used in chemotherapy, the tumor shrinks. And when you firebomb the scene of a hostage crisis, you kill bad guys- along with everyone else. But while the chemo does kill tumors, it also severely damages the patient’s immune system and healthy tissues all throughout the body.

So, guess what happens when you weaken the immune system and damage the health of tissues throughout the body? You get more cancer.

What the mainstream health community does not tell you is that cancer is a disease of opportunity. Our bodies are fighting off cancer constantly over the whole duration of our lives. It is always the parts of the body that are stressed by exposure to caustic substances where cancer takes root first.

For example, a smoker’s throat and lungs are made vulnerable by years of smoking. Even stressed and vulnerable tissues can be defended by a robust immune system. That is why literally anyone can get cancer. It is an enemy that is always at the gate, looking for a way in. The moment the immune system and key structures of the body are compromised, cancer has a foothold it can use to attack.

Chemotherapy does both of these things, it devastates the immune system while compromising organs and tissues all throughout the body, transforming the cancer patient into a literal buffet for new tumors.

A recent study published in Science Translational Medicine this month proves that chemotherapy causes more cancer than it cures. The “medicine” shrinks tumors initially, because it is a potent poison. But it rarely kills the tumor entirely, offering the remnants of the tumor more opportunity than it had before to spread and grow. In addition to this, any precancerous regions in the body are given the opportunity they were waiting for to become full-blown cancer.

Could it be that we have been misled about the direness of cancer itself- and might its ability to spread have been exaggerated by a medical model that create new inroads into the body that cancer can easily exploit?

The researchers also believe that the chemotherapy drugs also trigger natural repair mechanisms in the body that actually help cancer to regrow at an accelerated rate. In a study involving mice, the scientists found that chemotherapy actually increases the number of cancer cells circulating in the body.

According to the American Cancer Society, 1,688,780 new cases of cancer can be expected to emerge this year. Of that number, 600,920 will die according to current projections. The death rate is 36% the rate of diagnosis. Of course, cancer survival is measured only five years after treatment. We know that the body can go on for some time fighting a potential tumor even under very difficult conditions.

So, if you go in for chemotherapy, your cancer goes into “full remission,” and you survive another five years- that is considered a successful treatment.

But the fact is that the chemo would have created innumerable new opportunities for cancer to spread. As long as you don’t die of cancer located in the same area as the original tumor within five years- your doctors will pat themselves on the back and call it a successful treatment.

This is the result of a faulty model of cancer. But it is a model around which an extremely lucrative industry has been built. We can expect that no matter how strong the evidence against chemotherapy is, the profit motive will continue to present a powerful deterrent to change for some time.

~ Health Scams Exposed

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