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Bread Has No Nutritional Value

Bread used to be one of the most wholesome foods you could eat. When it was made the old-fashioned way, it was created with safe, natural ingredients like yeast, eggs, butter, flour, salt, and sugar. Just a little bit of know-how and preparation, and you could feed a family a healthy little slice of heaven with the evening meal. Today’s bread has no nutritional value. Once you really understand the ingredients in today’s bread, you may never want to touch the stuff again.

Why Today’s Bread Isn’t Safe to Eat

You’ve probably seen the buzzwords on the front of your favorite loaf of sliced bread. “Wholesome nutrition” “Whole Wheat” “Natural” “Healthy” but it’s nothing but a commercial gimmick. A scam to trick you into thinking you’re eating something healthy.

Up until the 1950s, bread manufacturers used the sourdough leavening method and bread would take up to two days to produce. This technique was necessary for proper dough conditioning and to ensure the health benefits of the bread.

Today’s mass-production techniques are not the same. Bread is now produced using dangerous chemicals and enzymes to synthetically shorten the process from two days to two hours. This unnatural process ensures that though the bread you’re eating may fill you up; it actually contains little to no nutritional value and may be responsible for your lingering health problems.

Here are some of the dangerous ingredients hidden in your bread:

  • Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate (SSL)

Sodium stearoyl lactylate is an emulsifier and dough strengthener that has been associated with sodium imbalance and allergic symptoms such as itching, swelling, muscle spasms, hives, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

  • Diacetyl Esters of Tartaric Acid (DATEM)

This is another dough conditioner that has been generally regarded as safe by the Food and Drug Administration. However, laboratory test studies have shown DATEM causes heart muscle fibrosis and adrenal overgrowth in mice.

  • Soy lecithin

Soy lecithin is a common additive in commercial breads and it’s deadly. Soy is not the health food you’ve been lead to believe it is. For one thing, 91 percent of soy products are genetically modified. Genetically modified foods are horrible for your health because they contain pesticides in every bite. Pesticides that are injected right into the seed before it’s grown!

Soy is also considered an anti-nutrient, meaning it saponins, goitrogens, and estrogens that affect the way your body digests protein. Goitrogens also interfere with your thyroid function, which can lead to hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism, and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

  • Azodicarbonamide

Azodicarbonamide is a chemical primarily used in the production of foam plastics. It is also used as a food additive and flour bleaching agent. It is banned in Europe, Australia, and Singapore because of its tendency to cause and worsen asthma symptoms. It has also been shown that this dangerous bread additive acts as a cellular mutagenic in vitro. Gene mutation has been shown in hamster ovaries and mouse lymphoma cells.

  • Bromide

Bromide is a common endocrine disruptor that has been added to commercial bread since the 1960s. Endocrine disruptors haven been linked to the development of thyroid disorders, infertility, and breast cancer. According to statistics, bromide levels in those with thyroid cancer are up to 50 times greater than those with a healthy thyroid. This dangerous food additive has even been linked to the development of schizophrenia.

  • Calcium propionate

Have you ever wondered how that last hamburger that got trapped between the bread box and the wall managed to stay mold-free for over a month? That would be calcium propionate at work. This synthetic mold inhibitor has been linked to the development of behavior disorders in children. It has also been shown to cause erosion of your stomach lining, leading to severe stomach ulcers and leaky gut syndrome.

  • High fructose corn syrup

High fructose corn syrup has been shown to cause obesity by interfering with healthy metabolic process. It causes extreme sugar highs and violent crashes, causing you to feel hungry all the time. It also turns off the hormones in your brain responsible for letting you know when you’re full, encouraging you to overeat.

HFCS has been linked to the development of diabetes, high cholesterol, liver damage, and mercury poisoning. To make matters worse, 90% of corn produced in the United States is genetically modified.

Like the soy you consume, this corn has pesticides bread right into the seed that have been linked to permanent gastrointestinal damage, autoimmune dysfunction, and neurological disease.

  • Synthetic vitamins

Don’t be fooled by the supposed vitamin and mineral content of your favorite commercial bread. These vitamins are not made from whole foods. They are synthetic imposters created in a laboratory and they are not good for your health. Unlike vitamins made from whole-food sources, synthetic vitamins have no nutritional value. Your body cannot digest or absorb them. This means they get stuck unprocessed in your system, which can lead to chronic inflammation and immune system dysfunction.

Your Healthier Bread Options

Not all breads are created equal. If you don’t want to make your own bread because you just don’t have the time, be sure to choose 100% organic bread. The bread you select should be non-GMO and contain no high fructose corn syrup or synthetic additives. The ingredients should be easy to pronounce and look like food, not chemicals. Breads like this are naturally-sprouted and prepared with your health in mind.

Also, it’s important to keep in mind that one 1 in every 100 people is intolerant to gluten, the protein found in bread. Switching to a gluten free as well as organic bread can help ease symptoms such as headaches, sinus problems, gastrointestinal discomfort, muscle aches, and brain fog. If you experience chronic health problems of any kind, cut gluten from your diet for a period of 6-8 weeks. After the elimination diet period is over, reintroduce gluten en masse to test for a reaction. If gluten is a problem for you, you’ll know.

Here at Health Scams Exposed; we take the dark side of the healthcare and food industry and expose it to the light. When you start reading food labels, you’ll begin to understand what food-like-product manufacturers are trying to do to you all in the name of making a buck. Once you have this awareness, your physical and mental health will improve in ways you never thought possible.

**Recommended Research** 

So we all know gluten is bad for you. But what exactly is gluten and how do we avoid it?

That’s the hard part.

Everyone knows to steer clear of it but no one knows how. And what foods do I have to avoid in order to live a gluten free life?

The information is to in-depth to write one article about it. We’d have to do a 5 part series if we wanted to tell you all there is about gluten!

Instead of clogging your inbox I found a book that puts everything you wanted to know about gluten and how to avoid it. It’s called the The Gluten Free Bible-An Insider’s Guide To Going Gluten Free

Inside I found the answers to:

  • 5 biggest mistakes people make when starting to eat gluten free (and how YOU can avoid them)
  • the 3 questions to ask the chef when eating out
  • how to stay gluten free when your family doesn’t want to

If you are at all interested in finding out if going gluten free will benefit you I encourage you to read this letter.


Jessica Coffey

Publisher, Health Scams Exposed


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