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Bottled Water Causes Cancer

Do you drink bottled water because you’ve been told it’s healthier for you than what comes out of the tap? If so, you’re one of millions of people who have been sucked into the cleverly-marketed “bottled water scam”. According to the shocking truth we’ve uncovered, we know now that bottled water causes cancer and should be avoided at all costs.

Bottled Water Versus Tap Water – The Surprising Truth

One of the most surprising facts we’ve uncovered is the fact that bottled water is not nearly as regulated as tap water. It’s amazing. We would have thought just the opposite.

Tap water is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) who regularly tests tap water, adhering to strict guidelines. Bottled water, on the other hand, is regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), who only inspects distribution plants once every 2-3 years!

As if that wasn’t bad enough, each time you purchase a different brand of bottled water, you’re playing roulette with your health. This is because it has been scientifically-proven that 50% of bottled water is just tap water in disguise.

That means no matter how attractive the water bottle or how pristine the holographic mountains in the background, you’re just paying to drink the tap water that comes out of your sink for free. Not only are you drinking the chemicals you were trying to avoid in the first place, the plastic bottle you’re drinking it out of adds even more.

Cancer-Causing Additives in Bottle Water

According to a 2008 survey done by the EWG, bottled water contains over 38 different chemical pollutants.

These additives and pollutants include:

  • Bisphenol A (BPA)

One of the primary cancer-causing contaminants in bottle water is a chemical called bisphenol A (BPA). This estrogen-mimicking compound is found on the lining of nearly every water bottle you drink from. A powerful endocrine disruptor, this compound has been strongly linked to the development of breast cancer. BPA has also been linked to learning and behavioral disorders, immune system dysfunction, male and female infertility, early puberty in girls, and prostate cancer.

  • Phthalates

Phthalates are used to make your plastic water bottle more flexible and what you don’t know about them can really harm your health. Like BPA, phthalates disrupt your endocrine function, which can cause infertility, testicular abnormality, liver cancer, and kidney disease.

  • Chlorine

Chlorine in your water supply is one of the most common reasons for the development of autoimmune disease, chronic pain conditions, and allergies.

This is because each time you consume a chlorinated water product; it destroys the good bacteria in your gut, lowering your resistance to disease and hindering your ability to take in nutrients from food.

Chlorine is also a calcium antagonist, which can lead to the development of osteoporosis.

  • Arsenic

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), this toxic compound has been linked to the development of bladder, lung, liver, kidney, liver, prostate, and nasal cancer.

  • Aluminum

Aluminum is a neurotoxin that has been shown to increase the chances of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. Clinical autopsies on elderly dementia patients have shown an aluminum level at 20 times higher than those who did not have any type of degenerative neurological condition.

  • Disinfection Byproducts

Chlorine, chloramines, and chlorine dioxide designed to kill the bacteria in your water can also kill you in the long run. This is because this cleaning process produces disinfection byproducts like trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs). These have been shown to increase cancer risk up to 50% with lifetime exposure.

  • Prescription Drugs

Thousands of bottles of prescription drugs get flushed down the toilet and thrown into landfills every month. All that drug run-off has to go somewhere and that somewhere is usually in your water bottle.

Studies have shown that nearly all tap water is contaminated with antibiotics, anti-depressants, anti-psychotics, cholesterol medications, prescription hormones, and more.

None of these medications were designed to be taken together or taken by everyone yet each time you drink unfiltered or bottled water, you’re ingesting a cocktail of unknown chemicals that could impact your health in alarming ways.

  • Fluoride

Fluoride is not as healthy as you have been lead to believe. This dangerous chemical has been linked to developmental disorders, autoimmune disease, fertility problems, early puberty, thyroid disease, and arthritis.

  • Dioxin

Dioxins are one of the most poisonous environmental pollutants on earth. These highly toxic chemicals created during the plastic manufacturing process have been linked to reproductive disorders, autoimmune disease, and cancer.

The Best Type of Water You Can Drink

Despite its many dangers, bottled water is a 15 billion dollar industry that’s growing every year. Not only is it terrible for your health, its rampant consumption has a devastating effect on our environment. According to statistics published in National Geographic, bottled water consumption uses 17 million barrels of crude oil per year. This is enough oil to keep 1 million vehicles active for 12 months.

To reduce your risk of serious health problems as well as your carbon footprint, ditch your bottled water and drink this instead:

  • Filtered Water

The water your body needs already comes out of the tap you have at home. The only thing you need to do is filter it. Charcoal filters and reverse osmosis filters are two of your best options.

    • Charcoal Filter

Charcoal filters are your least expensive option for water filtration. They are effective at removing organic contaminants such as chlorine, pesticides, herbicides, radon, and other man-made chemicals like prescription drugs.

    • Reverse Osmosis Filter

A reverse osmosis filter may cost more but it is much more comprehensive in its ability to remove nearly all contaminants from your drinking water. A reverse osmosis filter, installed properly, will remove sodium sulfate, calcium, potassium nitrate, iron, zinc, mercury, selenium, phosphate, lead, arsenic, magnesium, nickel, fluoride, manganese, cadmium, barium, cyanide, and chloride.

  • Natural Spring Water

Real spring water isn’t the stuff you can get for $1.00 a gallon in the plastic jug; it’s the mineral-rich water that comes straight from the ground from a gravity-fed spring.

With natural spring water, you don’t have to worry about any of the dangerous chemical contaminants you’ll find in tap and bottled water. You can locate a spring in your area at

Most collection sites are open year-round and are completely free or almost free to the public. Be sure to bring stainless steel or glass containers to collect the water to avoid plastic contamination.

Now that you know the truth about bottled water, you can take charge of your health and invest in a good filtration system for your home. All you have to do is calculate how much money you spend on bottled water each month and set it aside. You’ll be able to afford a new filter in no time and it will only be a one-time expense.

****Recommended Research**** 

Cancer…the scariest diagnosis you will ever hear. What happens when your doctor says you have cancer? They ask what your diet is like…how much exercise you get…what your living environment is like. They always assume it’s because you are not living the healthiest life possible. I don’t know about you but even though I try to maintain a healthy diet and exercise occasionally I’m not doing it as well as my doctor tells me I need to. I just can’t eat 80% green leafy vegetables each meal and get my body moving and shaking three to four times a week.

The problem with attributing cancer to a bad diet or lifestyle is that we all know someone that beat those odds. Everybody knows someone who smoked till they were 80 and never got cancer. Or someone who drank soda, ate a lot of fatty foods, never exercised and still lived a long life. These are the people that make us doubt that changing our lifestyles will make any kind of difference.

The truth is that some of us will get cancer and some of us won’t because of our genetic make-up. Some of us are just predisposed to deadly diseases like cancer while others are not. It’s just not fair.

But what if I told you there were ways to dodge cancer and other deadly diseases…that you could kill it before it kills you. Would you be interested?

I stumbled upon a book by Dr. Mark Rosenberg recently that I found fascinating. He detailed a way to “starve” cancer cells in the body that completely kills them and eliminates them from the body. Best of all this starvation process doesn’t involve injecting yourself with chemicals or toxins or any other unhealthy additives. His cancer killing process won’t kill the healthy cells in your body like conventional medical practices do.

If you are at all interested in finding out this 100% natural, toxin free way to dodge cancer and kill it before it kills you I encourage you to check out his webpage. I was sure glad I did.




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