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Bill Gates-Funded CHEMICAL CLOUD (WEATHERMAKING CHEMTRAILS) Being Used As WEAPON By Globalists, Gates Is LARGEST FARMLAND OWNER in the U.S. and Produces A TON of Different FOOD in OUR SUPPLY; Mayo Clinic Says CCP VIRUS “VACCINES” Will Be Necessary for at Least a CENTURY, MORE FREEDOM CONVOYS Launch in EUROPE and AUSTRALIA (Joining NORTH AMERICA)

After a modest niche media outlet stumbled over a 14,500-acre land grab in Washington State, it became abundantly clear that a 1-percenter had designs are controlling the richest farmland in America. Eric O’Keefe of the Land Report uncovered a secretive land-buying operation by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates that exposed a global threat.

“Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, has an alter ego,” O’Keefe reportedly stated. “Farmer Bill, the guy who owns more farmland than anyone else in America.”

It seems counterintuitive that a technology billionaire would be interested in dirt. But people like Gates have access to information and covert government programs the ordinary Iowa corn farmer does not.

Now, fast-forward to a so-called “conspiracy theory” the U.S. government and its accomplices in the establishment media repeatedly try to debunk — ehemtrails. Just like the UFO activity the Pentagon was forced to confirm in recent years, former CIA Director John Brennan let slip chemtrails may be a testing effort for a greater purpose, one that Gates has a vested interest in utilizing.

“Another example is the array of technologies, often referred to collectively as geoengineering, that potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change. One that has gained my personal attention is stratospheric aerosol injection, or SAI: a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun’s heat in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do,” Brennan reportedly said. “On the geopolitical side, the technology’s potential to alter weather patterns and benefit certain regions of the world at the expense of other regions could trigger sharp opposition by some nations.”

In other words, chemtrail technology is very real, and people like Gates possess the wealth and political influence to literally make it rain. The threat to U.S. and farmers worldwide stems from the fact that such geoengineering can make Gates’ farmland thrive will causing droughts elsewhere.

“Microsoft’s billionaire founder Bill Gates is financially backing the development of sun-dimming technology that would potentially reflect sunlight out of Earth’s atmosphere, triggering a global cooling effect,” Forbes magazine reported. “The Stratospheric Controlled Perturbation Experiment (SCoPEx), launched by Harvard University scientists, aims to examine this solution by spraying non-toxic calcium carbonate (CaCO3) dust into the atmosphere — a sun-reflecting aerosol that may offset the effects of global warming.”

Farmers walk a tightrope year after year to keep land in their families. Democrats — such as Gates, who flooded people like Hillary Clinton with campaign donations — push for higher inheritance taxes to strip working people of farmland. Essentially, the elites are moving closer to weaponizing the weather and will likely stop at nothing to control the world’s food supply. Like so many other nefarious policies, chemtrail technologies are being cloaked in the guise of saving the world from global warming.

The Biden Administration continues to try and flex its muscle over citizens by coercing people to get the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Virus “vaccine” using the same “save-the-world” propaganda. The CDC and outliers toeing the White House agenda continue to insist booster shots will be needed indefinitely. Recent reports indicate that CCP Virus-insiders anticipate annual or twice-yearly boosters could persist for a century.

“So let me make a prediction, which will be hard for any of you to hold me to because we will all be dead by then, but your great-great-great-grandchildren will still be getting immunized against coronavirus,” vaccine researcher Dr. Gregory Poland reportedly said. “We are not yet at any stage where we could predict endemicity. We’re not going to eradicate it.”

Truckers in Canada recently rolled upwards of 2,700 tractor-trailers called the Freedom Convoy into Ottawa to protest against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s mandate to force them to take the short-term “vaccine.” The Canadian government requires truckers who haul goods and materials across the U.S.-Canada border to show proof of vaccine or quarantine for 14 days. The coercive mandate would financially ruin truckers who choose not to repeatedly take the shots. Freedom Convoys are now cropping up across the globe.

Reports indicate that Freedom Convoys are underway in the Netherlands, Italy, Germany, Australia, Brazil, and other countries. Commenting on the recent Canadian Freedom Convoy, Tesla icon Elon Musk injected the core sentiment of everyday people into the equation.

“If the government had the mandate of the people, there would be a significant counter-protest,” Musk reportedly tweeted. “There is not, therefore they do not.”

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11 thoughts on “Bill Gates-Funded CHEMICAL CLOUD (WEATHERMAKING CHEMTRAILS) Being Used As WEAPON By Globalists, Gates Is LARGEST FARMLAND OWNER in the U.S. and Produces A TON of Different FOOD in OUR SUPPLY; Mayo Clinic Says CCP VIRUS “VACCINES” Will Be Necessary for at Least a CENTURY, MORE FREEDOM CONVOYS Launch in EUROPE and AUSTRALIA (Joining NORTH AMERICA)

  1. This is BAD NEWS . . . the SUNLIGHT hitting the EARTH’S surface is being ALTERED for something that DOESN’T exist, the so called “climate change crisis” which DOESN’T exist. Our TAMPERING with it can be CATASTROPHIC. Let’s just ENJOY the God given SUNSHINE and LEAVE it ALONE! We are NOT smarter than God Almighty. One Enlightened Patriot. Team Trump And His Allies 2020 – MAGA (WE’RE NOT going away!).

    • JOEYP – I agree 100%!! Bill Gates thinks he knows more than our Almighty God who created this world, all that is in it and ever has been! His harmful meddling with God’s creation is causing the problems, which is what Gates wants. We Christians can stop this harmful meddling, if we ask our Heavenly Father when we pray to stop the harmful meddling with this beautiful world HE has provided for us, it will be done! God knows exactly who is doing the harm, however, HE wants us to show our faith in HIM by bringing our fears and problems to HIM. So please add this harmful meddling with our world in your prayers and ask your family and friends to do the same. God bless all of us and our wonderful world!!

  2. Time to stand , join the rebellion , speak up , speak out , do something against the democrats
    time to stop the demon rats from thier money grab and power grab
    stand ,tell others of the liars in the news and social clubs of deciet
    the facebook liars clubs and fake book fact liar s

  3. their is a consequence for trying to circumvent
    God , change the natural order and do this
    you will have to pay for thier actions
    stop mad bill
    and crazy fazy the mad scientist
    cdc liars and deciet clubs

  4. Well said JOEYP! True science has proven that the earth reached its highest recent global average temperature in 1997 and has been in slow and steady decline since then. There is definitely no reason to gamble with nature by trying to induce global temperatures reduction artificially that could hold dangerous global cooling that could be disastrous!

  5. Finally, Will mainstream media say something we won’t hold our breath! We must hold our government accountable enough is enough. Pray this must be exposed!

  6. “Climate Change”??? How about taping shut the MOUTHS of every Democrat and therefore decreasing the amount of METHANE coming out of their MOUTHS ? Especially AOC, Ilhan ,Tlab , Pelosi , Biden ,Obama , Schiff ????
    By the way ,watch for several months, the pathway of the sun and the MOON. I have observed a large change in the paths of both. THAT is the reason for the change in climate.

  7. This IS the problem. It’s not climate change. These flickers are playing with the weather CAUSING the floods,tornados and intense hurricanes. And low and behold who’s right in the middle of it? Little billy gates. The evil nerd.

  8. BS…….a Century, and were not being played. Gates is an amoral SOB……

    Who does he think he is. Hes not invulnerable

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