Jordan Peterson, the very influential Canadian psychologist often comments on the fact that people will frequently care for their pets better than they care for themselves. He speaks of the phenomenon of patient noncompliance where people will fail to take their medications, but will rarely fail to give their pets the medications prescribed them by their vets.
People love their pets, often more than they love themselves- as Peterson points out. We will usually do everything in our power to safeguard our pet’s health. This includes, for many pet owners, vaccinations.
We’ve covered a number of stories on the hidden dangers of vaccinations and the many ways these dangers are concealed from the public. Well, if you’re a pet owner, you may be dismayed to learn that vaccinations designed for pets have no safety standards to guide the process of their manufacture. When you have your pets vaccinated, you are risking exposure to dangerous retroviruses, many of which have been linked to significantly elevated risks of cancer.
A study was recently published entitled “Endogenous Retroviruses as Potential Hazards for Vaccines.” It warns that the manufacturing processes for animal vaccines are not protected from contamination from retroviruses that are in the seed stock used to produce vaccines.
Both human and animal vaccines require the use of living cells for use as seed stock. But many of these cells contain endogenous retroviruses (ERV). Animal vaccines that contain these ERVs are injected into an animal, can cause the very illness they are meant to prevent, and in many cases, corrupt the animal’s healthy cells, resulting in cancer.
The study was carried out by researchers working in the cell biology department of Kyoto University. They found that the risks associated with these vaccines have been ignored for the most part. This has left many thousands of pets vulnerable to cancer, leukemia and other serious diseases.
Feline leukemia affects as much as 3 percent of the feline population in the U.S. 30 percent of cats that develop the disease are already fighting off some other kind of illness. This, of course, is usually the case for animals that are taken in for veterinary care. Most pet owners do not take their animals to the vet at all unless something has gone wrong with the animal’s health. This means that most pets who receive animal vaccines are battling some other form of illness in most cases. This makes the animal’s chances of becoming sick from exposure to retroviruses even higher.
Cats that are infected with feline leukemia are highly infectious and pose a great danger to other cats. The disease is incurable and degrades the animal’s health slowly until it eventually dies. Other cats will naturally want to cull the weak animal. When they do so and are exposed to the sick animal’s blood, the attacker becomes sick as well and suffers the same fate.
Feline leukemia can be very difficult to root out of a population and can degrade a whole community of cats for many years. Generally, quarantine and the eventual death of all the infected animals are the only ways to stop the spread of the deadly disease.
Feline leukemia acts much in the same way that HIV/AIDS affected humans before medical treatments became available that can manage the disease effectively.
Retroviruses often are invulnerable to the host creature’s immune defenses. The antibodies produced by a host to destroy infectious invaders cannot recognize retroviruses, and therefore the immune system is ineffective against them.
A retrovirus does this by employing a reverse transcriptase enzyme. When they read the RNA of a virus, it transforms it into DNA. This DNA makes its way into the DNA of a cell. Once this occurs, the cell begins producing copies of the new DNA along with its own DNA.
Retroviral DNA can lie dormant for long periods of time after it has infected the host cell. It can self-activate when the host offers an optimal environment for it, though the triggers for awakening a dormant virus are not well understood.
What’s more, these types of viruses have the ability to reproduce much more prolifically than ordinary viruses do. This gives them much more opportunity to mutate.
The ability to avoid attack by the immune system, unpredictable dormancy periods, high rates of mutation, and high rates of reproduction are the essential elements of viruses that are especially dangerous. These attributes are very similar to the HIV/AIDS virus, which killed over 675,000 people.
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