The body has many ways of offering us signs as to the state of our health. First are the common signs of aging such as wrinkles and liver spots. These are hardly superficial and are good indicators that it’s time to start taking better care of our health.
Of course, there are a number of other important signs and signals for things that are relevant at all stages of life. The fingernails, in particular, are like hand little monitors, cluing us in on our basic everyday health. Peeling skin around the edges of the fingernail can indicate poor circulation. White spots appearing on the surface of the fingernails can indicate inadequate nutrition.
While sometimes chronic, adolescent and adult acne is actually more often than not an indication of an allergy. It could be an allergy to something in the water supply, to certain hygiene products, or to a specific food or food group. By monitoring our eating and bathing habits, recording these habits along with our breakouts- most of the time we can cure ourselves of acne at any age.
Finally, we have the common cough. A simple cough can be an indicator that our immune system is in the early stages of being overwhelmed by an invading pathogen. Even a slight cough is a good sign that we should start pushing vitamin C and other immune boosting nutrition options.
For more on the body’s natural health indicators, here’s Natural Cures, with “7 Really Bad Signs You Aren’t Drinking Enough Water.”