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Trump: Americans Are TIRED of “Disaster” Dr. Fauci

President Donald Trump says the American people are growing weary of Dr. Anthony Fauci, the top medical professional in the federal government’s response to the coronavirus pandemic.

Trump took the swipe at Fauci during an interview on “Fox & Friends,” criticizing the doctor for what appears to be knee jerk responses to the virus.

“People are tired of hearing Fauci and all these idiots,” the president said. “Every time he goes on television, there’s always a bomb. But there’s a bigger bomb if you fire him. But Fauci’s a disaster.”

Trump’s relationship with Fauci has been the subject of much media speculation since the beginning of the pandemic. While the president has been criticized by members of his own party for making similar remarks in the past, Fauci’s inconsistency is indeed well-documented.

In early February, Fauci denied the premise that the Chinese-born virus would either make its way to the United States, or pose much of a problem once it got here. He later denied that Americans would be forced to walk around with masks on, saying that facial coverings do little to prevent infections. At most, he said, masks would make people “feel safe.” Today, Fauci is the virtual face of the mandatory masking push largely championed by Joe Biden and the Democratic Party.

Trump later softened his tone on the infectious disease expert, saying on Tuesday that he is a “nice guy” but not always a “team player.”

If there’s any truth to what the president has said, Fauci has in fact been given an unprecedented amount of power. The mainstream media takes his word as gospel, despite the fact that he was wrong about nearly everything during the earlier phases of the pandemic. Perhaps it’s time for another medical professional to take his place — or at least act as a counterbalance.

Here’s Anthony Brian Logan to break down the story.

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21 thoughts on “Trump: Americans Are TIRED of “Disaster” Dr. Fauci

  1. I agree with you 100%. I have been saying that the President should fire him a long time ago. He is anti trump and he is trying to play both sides. he is in it for the MONEY only.

    • Dr. Fauci is running with democrats now. He is a con man. He has made millions off the virus. He has never done anything to stop any virus. These masks are just to control the masses. You sheep can live in fear. I won’t. You gave up your freedoms too easily. Unamerican cowards. Useless to freedoms and rights.

      • I hate cowards to and the the guy in the white house is the biggest coward of them all. He won’t take responsibility for the thousands of people he killed by downplaying the covid so people would help his family make millions of dollars off the American people, there’s a stand up guy for you. If a mask can save one life , maybe yours don’t you think wearing one is worth it. I DO

        • Gary your so full of BS. I don’t wear a mask unless I go to the Grocery Store and this Governor who should be sued for doing mandating this mask is full of it. Lets hope it saves your Butt. Other than that. You and Fauci need to go to the same place . somewhere besides the USA. Your both full of BS

        • Masks compromise your immune system by reducing your oxygen supply making you more succeptible to disease if you are sick and you have a silver impregnated mask it will reduce transmission for about 2 hours then you need a fresh mask,just stay home if you are sick ,you will be much better.

      • I hate cowards to and the the guy in the white house is the biggest coward of them all. He won’t take responsibility for the thousands of people he killed by downplaying the covid so people would help his family make millions of dollars off the American people, there’s a stand up guy for you. If a mask can save one life , maybe yours don’t you think wearing one is worth it. I DO this is your freedom to protect yourself from idiots like we have in the white house

  2. Trump is doing what he does best and that’s lying! Dr Fauci is a wonderful man who speaks the truth! And yes Trump should have been gone 3 years ago. Looks like Trump wants to kill all Americans.

    • If your so smart. Then send you Stimulus check back to the IRS and they can do something else with it. If you could do better, then why are you not running as Vice President to Joe then that way you would become President and we can all thumb our nose at you. You sound like one really smart Ass.

  3. The ONLY difference between the BIDENS and Dr. Fauci is the NAME . . . They’re BOTH Democrat POLITICAL hacks. Neither one is capable of rendering a GOOD, CLEAR message unless there is Democrat Politics involved, which would be SUSPECT at BEST. One Wary Patriot. Team Trump and his allies 2020.

  4. I agree with you 100% Dr. Fauci is catering to the Democratic party. He does need to go. But trump is in the position damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. when he wins the election he can get rid of him and get some else in there that a better understanding of COVID

  5. Fauci is a life long government bureaucrat who worked his way to the top and refuses to let go. He is a glorified civil servant. When I was stationed at a base in Montana, they had a decommissioned MinuteMan Missile on display. We used to joke that it was like a civil servant, it didn’t work and you couldn’t fire it. All during this pandemic, Fauci has been playing a guessing game. He really had no idea what he was promoting, but he looked good in a suit and had the title of Doctor in front of his name.

  6. Fauce is loving the Fame. He is nothing but a thorn in America’s side. I don’t listen to him anymore than I am listening to Joe Blow and the other piece of crap that could become President if Joe Blow can’t perform.

  7. Dr. Fauci has been amazing in alerting the country know what the impact of the pandemic has been. Something as simple as wearing a mask can save lives!!! Thank you Dr. Fauci.

  8. I thought Fauci was wrong most of the time but he is Democrat supporting the left. Also the guy has killed
    before with his expertise so I don’t listen to him because he is Anti Trump

  9. Fauci is just a career bureaucrat who over the years floated to the top of his organization. If he had any real skills in epidemiology, he’d be high up in a private practice with years of real world experience and patients behind him. He is a civil servant. We had one of those in the form of a decommissioned Minuteman missile at an Air Force base in Montana. We called it a civil servant because it didn’t work and you couldn’t fire it.

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