Texas Supreme Court Denies Coronavirus-Based Need for Mail-In Ballots

The Texas Supreme Court has ruled against the argument that a lack of herd immunity to COVID-19 is a good reason to stage mail-in voting this election season.

With death rates among the infected coming in at less than half a percent, Texas judges responded with the following statement:

“We agree that a voter’s lack of immunity to COVID-19 alone is not a ‘disability’ under the Election Code. Election officials have no responsibility to question or investigate a ballot application that is valid on its face.”

This decision represents a significant defeat for Texas Democrats who have put a great deal of effort into getting a lack of COVID-19 immunity to be considered a disability.

The judges’ opinion went on to say “It would swallow other categories of voters eligible for mail-in voting. We agree that a voter can consider aspects of his health and health history in deciding whether or not to apply to vote by mail. But we disagree that lack of immunity, by itself, is a disability.”

This is an important victory for the state of Texas which has suffered a huge influx of Democrat voters fleeing California due to excessive taxes and unsanitary conditions of large cities. Hundreds of thousands of Californians have fled to Texas to escape the results of the state’s authoritarian policies, only to then try to vote in leaders who would promote the same policies in Texas.

But this fight is happening all across the nation as Democrats reach for unfair advantages in the upcoming election. Few states have as much natural immunity to these kinds of ideas as Texas. It could be that the nation will have to lose its current populist government in order to learn the hard way why Democrats do not have the best interests of Americans at heart.

By looking at the economic data that has come out of the coronavirus lockdowns, we can easily and irrefutably say that Americans, and people all around the world, have been hurt more by the response to the pandemic than by the virus itself. Even now, with riots breaking out all over the country over the wrongful death of Mr. George Floyd, most people seem to have forgotten about the disease.

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