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How Close Are Drug Makers to a COVID-19 Vaccine?

With the health, safety, and prosperity of the nation on the line, the Trump Administration initiated “Operation Warp Speed” to find a vaccine. Just six months after the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic, indicators point to American pharmaceutical corporations being on the cusp. The question everyday people want to know is how soon will drug makers release a vaccine?

President Donald Trump recently applied an avalanche of political pressure on Big Pharma.

“We remain on track to deliver a vaccine before the end of the year, and maybe even before November 1,” Trump reportedly said. “We think we can probably have it sometime during the month of October.”

Political insiders have grown accustomed to such Trumpian strategies. The president likes to put maximum pressure on those working in the administration and this appears to extend to drug makers. By that same token, Trump has a habit of following through on promises. He’s added more than 300 miles of border-wall while repairing and replacing upwards of 700 miles of unsecured structures. That’s a campaign promise the establishment media no longer likes to report.

In fact, the fake news media promptly rolled out the usual strategy of trying to discredit the president. Liberal outlets such as National Public Radio (NPR) ran an article under the headline: “Top Adviser To Operation Warp Speed Calls An October Vaccine ‘Extremely Unlikely.’” What the biased outlet left out of the headline is that the Operation Warp Speed official echoed the president’s sentiments.

“There is a very, very low chance that the trials that are running as we speak” could be ready before the end of October, Dr. Moncef Slaoui said. “And therefore, there could be — if all other conditions required for an Emergency Use Authorization are met — an approval. I think it’s extremely unlikely but not impossible.”

So, just like the president said, if things fall into place?

But what NPR and other biased outlets are not reporting is that Dr. Slaoui and leaders in the drug manufacturing industry are preparing to release a vaccine in the near future. Companies that include Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson recently indicated they are signing on to a joint commitment not to leap ahead and release a vaccine independently that is not 100 percent safe.

“We believe this pledge will help ensure public confidence in the Covid-19 vaccines that may ultimately be approved and adherence to the rigorous scientific and regulatory process by which they are evaluated,” a reported draft of the joint statement declares.

Statements coming out of the FDA indicate that a vaccine would be approved if it were safe for humans and at least 50 percent effective against Covid-19. In recent weeks, the FDA approved a convalescent plasma treatment. All of these facts point to the drug manufacturing industry getting increasingly closer to delivering a vaccine.

What the fake news media doesn’t want you to know is that the fastest vaccine developed for a significant illness was for the Mumps at four years. Experts claim that it’s incredibly rare to develop a vaccine in less than five years, and no effective treatment has been created for Influenza in more than 100 years.

Should President Trump’s Operation Warp Speed shepherd a Covid-19 vaccine to market by year’s end, that would shatter all records. The administration appears confident that a vaccine is in the pipeline awaiting final approvals.

“We have some really great companies,” Trump said. “They are all doing very well. They are all in final stages.”

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