Americans have been led to believe truly wild things about the pandemic — including the idea that a sizable chunk of the population has been wiped out. But as a video from September of 2020 reveals, this is pretty far off from the truth.
In the PragerU video linked below, people interviewed believed anywhere from one percent of Americans and 21 percent of Americans have died from COVID-19. Actually, the number, according to the CDC, was 0.056 percent of the country’s population at the time. Shocking, right?
PragerU presenter Will Witt goes on to ask about the number of children who have died in California, and later the country, of COVID-19. People interviewed were thinking in the thousands for California alone and quite surprised to learn that 360 people under the age of 25 have died in the entire U.S. of COVID-19. This information is according to statistical data as of September 4, 2020, and only two children in the entire state of California.
He also asked people about the percentage of people who have died from COVID-19 were over the age of 50. The responses were 30 percent and 25 percent. The truth is that 92 percent of the people who have died of COVID-19 are over the age of 50.
Witt also spoke to a nurse from Indiana who discussed the fact that ICU beds were never full (and still aren’t) in the hospital where she worked. But the real shocker was the one about COVID-19 death numbers. Witt claims that only six percent of deaths attributed to COVID-19 were actually caused by COVID-19 alone, and 94 percent of those deaths were from people with co-morbidities. One of the people Witt interviewed explained that he read about how hospitals were incentivized to attribute deaths to COVID-19 in order to get more funding from the government.
You truly need to see it to believe it — this is what the mainstream media has done to people. Watch the full clip below:
The numbers of death have been wrong. Anyone who died from other things were counted as virus death. The hospitals were paid a lot of money to lie.the world elites control the money and hospitals. The more deaths reported more control over the masses. Killing seniors in nursing homes were top of the list. Closing schools to keep American kids dumb down. Teachers unions using the virus to get paid but not teach. Then screaming they are afraid to see kids in person but join the rioters to march. Stupid sheep believe the lie. Good luck Americans you are stupid ,you help destroy your freedoms and country with your stupidity. You elected a communist to be president. Let let blm and antifa destroy your cities. Welcome to nazi Germany all over again. But most of you don’t know what that means.
Orange peel you are right on! Thank you for saying what I have been saying for 5 months now.
God bless America !!
You are correct and your last two sentences say it all. We are about to find out what living under a totalitarian regime means and it won’t be pretty. I grieve for our children and grand children and all who are yet to come.